Dealing with Bullying Helping Bullied Kids and Teens

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Dealing with Bullying

Helping Bullied Kids and Teens

Deal with a Bully & Overcome Bullying

Unless you've directly experienced bullying, you may not realize just how devastating it can be, especially to a child or teenager. As well as being deeply hurtful, bullying can leave anyone feeling frightened, angry, depressed, and totally undermined. But bullying should never be tolerated. Whether you're the one being bullied, or you're a teacher or parent who thinks their child is being bullied or engaged in bullying behavior, there are steps you can take to deal with the problem.

Bullying and Suicide

If bullying means you, or someone you know, feels suicidal, please call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) in the U.S., or visit IASP or to find a helpline in your country.

What is bullying?

Bullying is repeated aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or relational. Boys frequently bully using physical threats and actions, while girls are more likely to engage in verbal or relationship bullying. The results are similar:

•You are made to feel hurt, angry, afraid, helpless, hopeless, isolated, ashamed, and even guilty that the bullying is somehow your fault. You may even feel suicidal.

•Your physical health is likely to suffer, and you are at a greater risk of developing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or adult onset PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

•You're more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school to avoid being bullied.

Need help with online or cyber-bullying?

If a bully is harassing, threatening, or humiliating you or someone you love by using computers, cell phones, or social networking sites, read Dealing With Cyber-Bullying.

The most damaging aspect of bullying is its repetition. Bullies are often relentless, bullying over and over again for long periods of time. You may live in constant fear of where and when the bully will strike next, what they'll do, and how far they'll go.

Types of Bullying

Physical bullying:

Physical Bullying •Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone...or even just threatening to do it

•Stealing, hiding, or ruining someone's things

•Hazing, harassment, humiliation. Making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do.

Verbal bullying:

Verbal Bullying •Name-calling

•Teasing, taunting

•Insulting or otherwise verbally abusing someone

Relationship bullying:

Relationship Bullying •Refusing to talk to someone

•Excluding someone from groups or activities

•Spreading lies or rumors about someone

•Hazing, harassment, humiliation. Making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do.

Adapted from: PBS Kids - It's My Life

Why a bully might be targeting you

Why Kids Bully

Research shows that about 25 percent of kids experience bullying, so you're not alone. While there are many reasons why bullies may be targeting you, the main reasons are usually your physical appearance or social standing within your peer group.

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