Captain my Captain

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We were in the new car and all I could think about was how sore my legs were. I was in the back looking at Jin. I was also looking at Ross with a loving look in my eyes. I wish I could tell him how I felt how I feel warm when Im around his smiling face. I wanted to just whisper in his ear I love you but I thought that would be a bit much. I wanted to ask Jin about his family but then I decided against it. "So Jin what's your favorite video game."
"It's a toss up between Zelda Ocarina and fire emblem but if I have to choose I would pick fire emblem. But I do love the classics. What's your favorite?"

"Oh umm anything that has to do with virtual reality. What about you Ross?"

"I don't really play video games. I read comics more than anything."

"When we get to Virginia me and Jin are going to force you to play video games at least before the world ends." Ross stared at me sadly "I don't have a choice do I."

"No, no you do not matey." I had only known Ross and Jin for 4 months but It has felt like I had known them forever.

We had continued driving until we saw a baby deer. It was by itself. I felt bad for the deer until Ross stated " He is like us no family and no future planned. Maybe he's your spirit animal." That made me feel a little bit better until I heard the gunshot and saw the shattered glass. Everything was in slow motion. I screamed and looked around to make sure everyone was alright. I looked at Jin. He looked white in the face, close to passing out. His body was shaking to the point that we swerved. Then I looked at Ross and saw his body go limp across the seat. That's when I realized my new best friend would never be there to make me laugh again. And In that moment I realized I never got to tell Ross how I really felt. The person who I connected to most was now gone forver.

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