A park picnic gone bad..

36 2 0


Will POV

I walk me and Hayley up the hill to a great spot for a picnic. We were just friends. I mean i like her as more than a friend. Im just to afraid to ask her out. I bet she doesnt even like me.

She sets out the blanket and i get out the food. We sit and eat. Occasionally making small talk. It was kinda cloudy, and looked like it might rain but i thought nothing of it. 

After about an hour it started to rain.  Hayley started to pack things up but instead i stopped her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"May i have this dance?"

She blushed and nodded.  I pulled her towards me and started slow dancing in the rain.

"Will what are you doing?"

"Im doing something i should've done a long time ago."

"Which is?"

"Finally asking you out."

"Wh-" i cut her off with a kiss.

I pull away and ask. "Hayley, will you go out with me?"

"Yes! I mean... Yea..." She blushed and looked down.

"Your so adorable when your shy."

"You realize my friends- especially Austin, and Peyton- will try and threaten/kill you at all times now"

"Yea i know. But I'm willing  to risk it for you." And i lean in for another kiss

WAYLEY FOR LIFE! Im sorry i ship this wayyyyyyyyyyy to much. Like 350% (and thats not a real percent!)
Yea i got problems. Ok so bye! - Austin

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