Chapter 1: The Stone

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Ethan Beckon was an ordinary 15 year old. So he thought. He had a job, a secret crush, a best friend named Collin, and little did he now he had the power to transport him self from one place to another if he just imagined the place he would be gone in a second. He didn't even know he had it. For all he knew was wake up, go to school finish all his work and classes, go to work go home, and go to bed. That was it. Because if he did anything else he would be severely punished because almost the entire galaxy at the time was under the control of the evil and terrible King Krona. Instead of living in the Milky Way Galaxy and other galaxies the entire universe was forced into living in Terrible Universe. 


Terrible universe was the place named after the terrible King Krona. The King was  was in search of the golden stone of power. This stone would give him the power to destroy a whole planet all at once. Krona wouldn't stop until he fond the golden stone and nothing was going to stop him. Not even his own brother. The only problem he had was since he had killed his brother he didn't ever get the chance to here where the stone was. Little did he know was that very powerful stone was in a pon shop, on a planet people call Earth. That's all he knew.


When Ethan got to work that day he was shocked to see that his boss wasn't there." Grandpa. Are you in here?" He yelled. No answer." He must be gone on business or something like that." So instead of doing his normal jobs ( dusting and sweeping ) he work with people trading things, helped random people buy things they both knew the buyer didn't need, and then he did his regular work. He had cleaned off 3 bookshelves and swept the office floor and the other floors. But when he went in to the office he saw a note that said," Don't give them the golden stone on shelf 3 if they come looking for it. Sincerely, Grandpa Jimmy." Ethan said to him self," I need to find that man and get that stone back! But what's so important about it?"

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