Chapter 6 The Truth Part 2

Start from the beginning

"How is it?"

"Its very good! You made this?"

"Yeah I live with my uncle but he's away on business so I have to make food for myself."

"Oh that's kinda cool."

"Yeah I guess it is."


"Yeah Rig?"

".....thank you.....for saving me"

"Oh it was really nothing." Kyle said with a blush as he awkwardly pushed his hair back.

"No it was something" said Rigby as he grabbed Kyle's hand, they turn to face each other.

"I...don't really think it was anything special."

"Yeah well...I do..this..means a lot to me..."

They both stared at each other, green eyes into brown eyes. They lean closer, till they were just a hovering over each others lips. Their eyes half open.



"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes I am"

"Really cause -"

"Shh don't ruin the moment" said Rigby as he closed his eyes and lead all the way in.

Their lips meet in an awkward kiss. Rigby had no experience. He had never kissed anyone before he hoped Kyle didn't know. But of course it was obvious. Kyle gave a small chuckle.

"What?" Said Rigby annoyed

"You've never kissed anyone have you?"

".....shut up"

Kyle laugh. "Here like it" he said as he held the back of Rigby's head and slowly guide him. Rigby followed his lead and rhythm soon the kiss became very passionate.

"Whoa whoa whoa what? Wait a second" said Mordecai (end of flashback)

"What ?" Said Rigby

"You kissed him? You kissed a guy? Why? Where was I? Why didn't I know about this? "

"Dude if you just let me finish you'd understand."

"No man I want answers now, I don't want to hear about your make out session with this...this...guy!"

Rigby rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Yes we kiss, any more questions?"

"....So does this mean your gay??"

" not really...I mean ...I guess I'm bi...."


"..Umm you're not grosses out by it?"

Mordecai sign, "well man I'm surprised but it's not a shock, I mean I just figure since you weren't interested in girls that you might like guys, but...I never knew you had a relationship. Listen man I don't really mind who you like, I just don't want you to lie about it."

Rigby starred at Mordecai "really?"

"Yes man, we're best bros. So really who ever you like is fine by me."

"Thanks man that means a lot to me!"

"No probes man."

Rigby hesitate before giving Moredcai a quick hug. Mordecai was surprise. The hug ended quickly as it was given.

"So want me to continue?" Asked Rigby

"Umm does the story described your date and such?"

"Yes, yes it does."

"Yeah no, I don't think I want details on that."

Rigby laugh "dude I thought you said you were cool with it"

"I am! It's just hear you talk about him like that."

"Pssh alright I can make it short"


"Alright so long story short, we dated for a few months, I got to meet his family on Christmas. Till one day...I stopped likeing him. "


"Well I realized it was just the heat of the moment. Just the feeling of knowing someone was willing to protect, willing to risk their life was so intriguing...I don't really know how to describe it."

"No its cool man I get it, it was just the rush."

"Yeah something like that. Anyways when I realized I didn't like him that way I tired to break it off.....he wasn't too happy about that."

(Flashback resume)

"What!" Said Kyle

"I said we should break up.."

"Wh-why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't... I did. Listen I've come to realize that I don't you."

"...I don't understand."

"-sign- look man that day when you saved me...I was so graceful... I thought that I liked you but it was just the heat of the moment....."

"...No...that can't be true."

" it is true. I'm sorry."

" you."

"I know, but I don't and you don't deserve that. You deserve better. Look we can still be friends."

"......I don't want to be friends.."

"....I'm sorry but....we can't be together anymore.."

"Wait get it! It's because of him isn't it?!"


"Yeah! I bet you haven't even told him about us!"

"Oh come on! You know I can't tell him!"

"Well why the hell not!"

"Because I can't lose him! He's my only friend!"

"...I knew it! You care about more then you care about me!"

"That's not true!'

"You sure?"

"...well yeah I might care about him more then you, but that's only cause he's my best friend"

" I don't believe you"


"You like him don't you?"

"What? Gross no he's my best friend I've known him since we were kids!"

"Yeah right I bet you just can't wait to be with him! That's what you want right? To break off with me to be with him! Isn't that right!" Kyle than grabbed Rigby by the arm. "No I won't let him have you your staying with me!"

"Hey stop, let go of me" Rigby said as he tired to pull his arm away.

"No you're going to be mine."

Rigby was frighten.

"Let me go."

"Not until you change your mind!"

"I said....LET ME GO!" said Rigby as he headbutted Kyle in the gut. Kyle fell backwards out of breath. Rigby ran out, to his house. Out of breath and stunned he collapse on his bed.

(Omg that was an adventure, I think this might be my longest chapter. There was a lot I wanted to write, and it turned out better then I except. I am on a roll. Next chapter will be up soon. Hope you enjoyed this one.)

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