Chapter 2

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Did that seriously just happen? Did Niall fucking Horan just waltz in to my house after speaking so rudely to me? I stand there stupidly with my jaw on the floor, I can’t decide if I want to be shocked or angry at him. Eventually my anger gets the best of me and I close the front door a whole lot louder than I was planning and stalk down the hall way as grab on to Niall’s wrist right before he enters the living room with the others. Harry and Louis were about to walk out to see where I was and witnessed me hastily drag my arsehole of an ex-boyfriend in to the laundry and slam the door closed. “Jess what the fuck?!” Niall yanks his hand from my grip and looks at me.

“You’re asking me what the fuck? Seriously? You just spoke to me like I was dirt on your shoe and then waltzed in to MY house like you own the place! I was nothing but polite to you!” I screech at him angrily. He has ignored me for five months, I was hoping that he’d be over it by now but apparently he’s still bitter.

“I …” He pauses and looks at me and his face softens. “I didn’t mean-.”

I’m so angry and I’ve worked myself up so much that I cut him off. “Don’t you dare tell me that you didn’t mean to because clearly you did! It’s nearly been six months, you used to be my best friend Niall just because we’re not together anymore doesn’t mean we have to hate each other.” I frown at him as I head to the door not expecting him to say anything.

“Sorry.” He grumbles as I open the door and walk out and in to the living room where the whole group is sitting awkwardly while William and Molly sit on the floor doing a puzzle that Molly got for her birthday. Niall follows with his tail between his legs and sits next to Zayn and Caroline on the sofa. Eleanor has no idea what is going on because she was in the kitchen the whole time so when everyone looks up at when she walks in with wine she looks confused.

“Did I miss something?” She asks curiously as she sets the bottles of wine on the coffee table and looks curiously from me to Niall. It’s like something clicks in her head. “Oh … Jess can you help me with the wine glasses?” She asks awkwardly and turns on her heel and heads back to the kitchen. I follow her out of the living room quickly because I’m not keen on being in an awkward situation. “Why is it so quiet in there?” El asks as soon as we get in to the kitchen.

“I dragged Niall in to the laundry to yell at him because he was rude to me.” I say casually as I pick up some of the glasses and a tray of freshly cooked spring rolls and a small bowl of sweet chilli sauce to go with it while Eleanor picked up the other wine glasses to take back in to the living room.

“What did he say?”

“I asked him if he brought his girlfriend and he told me rather rudely that she didn’t want to meet me.” I mutter with a bitter tone. I knew it was going to be awkward but I didn’t know he was going to be an arsehole.

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