Chapter 1(Hanna)

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I can feel the water rushing under my body, the violent pull of my cap, the hurting of my arms, the pressure of my coach telling me to go faster, but above all I hear her. Screaming my name, chearing for me. She was there for me before the race started, for 'mental support' but really I just wanted to hold her hand. Last lap, all I can do is sprint as hard as I can and when I get back I will feel the warmth of her skin, hugging me for finishing the 400.

FIRST PLACE! I hope I got Man/Sask! I hop out of the pool, and walk as fast as I can to Sydney and the others, Sydney hugs me and says "YOU GOT MAN/SASK!" At this moment I was the happiest person on earth, I had just made MAN/SASK and I was hugging my one and only love, Sydney Rae. Hodgkins. I wished I could stay there forever, but I knew that I had to walk over to my coach, listen to how well I had swam but how she thought I could do better, and finally do a unnecessarily long cool down. So I did, and I hated it but every shred of effort I put into that 400 free was worth it for just that one second where it was just Sidney and I.

The rest of the weekend was a blur of races, chearing, and longing for Sydney to realize how much I loved her. It was pretty okay until I has the sharp and painful reminder that I had homework due Monday. Science. Math. French. Ugh.

So, when I got home from the meet and all I wanted to do was eat, shower, and sleep I had to spend four hours doing homework. Really, it should have taken an hour or two, but I couldn't stop texting Sydney, flirting a bit but knowing that she didn't see it that way.

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