I looked up at the sky. The Stars were shining brightly.

"Wow everything is so beautiful. The stars, the park, the grass." I said

"Yeah I agree. You know what's even more beautiful than this?"


Laura propped herself up on her elbow and turned to look at me. I reciprocated her actions.

"You." She answered

I felt myself go weak. It's amazing how easily she can do that. I don't think she know how much power she has over me. I put my head down to hide my rosy cheeks. I knew it was the perfect time to tell her. I looked up and met her eyes. I instantly realized that it was a mistake.

"Laura." I started


Then I froze again like always.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I've lived around here for 3 years and I've never been here before."

It happened again. I backed out.

"Get used to it. I plan on taking you all around the world." Laura replied

"All around the world?"

"Anywhere you can imagine."

Anywhere with Laura sounds amazing. I could be locked in a basement and still be happy as long as Laura is with me. I looked at Laura and stared at her lips. I really want to kiss her. My thoughts were interrupted when Laura grabbed her finger and grimaced in pain.

"What's wrong?"

"I cut my finger on something."

"Let me see." I say as I grab her hand.

It was a long scratch down her index finger. It was bleeding a little.

"Does it hurt?"

"It did at first but now it doesn't."

"Don't worry I have band aids."

I pulled out a band aid from my purse and slowly put it around Laura's finger.

"Thank you babe."

"Your... Your.... Welcome." I stuttered.

I looked into her eyes and I held onto her hand a little tighter. It was now or never. I look at her lips and did the unthinkable. I leaned in and I kissed her. Yes I KISSED her. It was short and sweet. I can tell Laura was surprised but I think she liked it. I moved backward.

"I'm so so so sorry Laura I didn't mean.."

She stopped me.

"Stop it. Don't be sorry Taylor....Do it again."

"Wha... What?!?" I exclaim

"I said do it again."

I bit my lip and did as she said and I leaned in and kissed her again. This time it was more passionate. I got closer to Laura to close any space between us. Now I was on her lap. Her hands ran up and down my back and my hands were lost in her hair. She pulled away to catch her breath and put our head against each other.

"Wow. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." I whispered.

Laura laughed lightly.

"Same here."

OH MY GOD WHAT!!!! So Laura did have feelings for me!??? How was she so good at hiding them?

"Really?" I ask

"Yes really." She answers

"It's getting pretty late I should get you home."

We packed up and walked back to the car. Laura held my hand. She always holds my hands but this time it felt different. It was a good kind of different. I held her hand throughout the whole ride back to my house. She parked the car and rubbed her thumb against my hand.

"Tonight was amazing." She said

"Yes it was. We should do it again soon."

"Well I'm free for the next 2 days. I would love to spend them with you."

"I would like that a lot. So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes you will."

I give her kiss on the cheek and open the door to get out.

"Taylor wait." Laura says

"What's wrong?"

"Remember when we had a movie night at your house and you said you had feelings for someone but you were too afraid to tell them?"

"Yeah I remember."

"Who was the person."

I took a deep breath and looked Laura in her eyes and said...

"It was you."

I finally got a new chapter up 🎉🎉 yay!! Laylor is slowly becoming real. I have had the weirdest day. I got beat up in a mall by an old lady and her incredibility heavy purse because she thought I was her granddaughter 😑 I wonder how she can carry that purse around when it weights more than she do. 🤔🤔

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