Chapter 41

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Harry and Ginny's Wedding, Part Three

Hermione and Ron waved and grinned as Harry and Ginny passed them back down the aisle.

"What now, love?" Ron asked, walking from his position as a groomsman.

"Now, I believe, we go into the restaurant area for dinner and reception." Hermione replied, tucking back a strand of hair that had come loose from her elegant updo.

They walked back together and Ron leaned over to whisper something in Hermione's ear.

"So we got married first...any guesses as to who pops out a baby first?"

Hermione laughed.

"I don't know, it didn't happen on our honeymoon but theirs begins to tonight so they might be ahead on that one."

"Not if we get started now," Ron replied, curling his arm around her waist.

"Not at their wedding, Ronald!"

Ron laughed and withdrew his arm to hold her hand instead.

Percy bumped into Ron on accident.

"Pardon me...Oh, hello, Ronald! Have you seen Jerry...?" asked Percy.

"Who's Jerry?" asked Luna, who floated up behind them.

"My husband," replied Percy distantly. "Oh, I see him...excuse me."

"Well that doesn't surprise me at all," Luna said, drifting off somewhere else.

Ron and Hermione walked into the dinner hall, and smiled at the scene.

It was a room almost identical to the one they had just come out of, except for the tables scattered throughout, the wall of wine bottles and the absence of the big window.

The food was delicious, but the highlight was Harry and Ginny's dance.

The pair of them could do many things well, but dancing was not one of them.

That's why it was surprising when Harry and Ginny performed a very intimate tango flawlessly, almost as if by magic.

"You enchanted their shoes, didn't you?" Draco whispered to Hermione.

She winked in response.

"Time to go, Ginny, our check-in is in three hours!" Harry said, pulling his new wife away to go change and set off to the beach, something they both loved.

Hermione and Ron watched until they disappeared from view.

"Want to get started on kids now?"

"Well, we can have sex, but I don't want to have children just yet," Hermione answered, taking Ron's hand and Disapperating.

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