Through The Fog And Factories

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My day so far has been slow. Nothing new, it's quite alright though, i love slow, peaceful days. I'm out walking the rainy streets of Seattle, going to the cutest coffee shop known to man. And to see my best friend of course! He works at Victrola's, it's a really good place to go get coffee, especially on days like this. There really isn't any clientele on cold days, everyone usually stays home because the weather can get rough. Me on the other hand, would rather be out when it's drizzling. Hearing the cars rush by, with tires scraping the wet floor, and feeling the cool drops hit my face was really relaxing. By now i was a block away from Victrola's. I gripped the ends of my sleeves on my Man Overboard crew neck, and crossed the street to the next block. My hair was now moist from the rain and my side braid was heavier than a sack of bricks. I squeezed the water out of my hair and took my phone out from my back pocket and dialed Christian's number.

"Hello?" A familiar voice said.

"Christian! I'm right around the corner from the shop, do me a favor and prepare me a vanilla bean latte? Pretty please with some sugar inside my coffee?" I smiled as i said these words, i know he can't see me smile, but i'm sure he can hear it in my voice.

"Sure thing, Anna. I'll have it ready for you. Are you going to stay until my shift ends? I can use the company!" I don't know why he asked my this, he knows me too well. 

"Duh, silly goose. When don't i stay? Well i'm right around the shop!" I replied and with that, tapped the red end call button. 

I proceeded on opening up the door to Victrola's and set my bag down on the brownish-yellow table in front of the purple couches up against the wall, and walked over to the ordering counter. I looked around and saw nothing but dimmed lights, and a tan wall. Looks like i'm alone! I grabbed a napkin and wiped away the rain drops from my phone and placed it back in my pocket and started looking at the pastries inside the glass capsule. I was starving since i got up this morning! I knelt over and read the captions carefully. Eclairs, Danish, Lemon Meringue Pie, etc.. I wasn't a big fan of lemons, nor danish, so i settled for an Eclair. There were other choices, many more, but an Eclair is most definitely calling my name.

"Hey, Anna! Your coffee is ready!" Christian came out of the back room with a Styrofoam cup in his hand with a cardboard cup holder in his hand. I smiled and thanked him. 

"Christian, wanna be a total friend and grab an Eclair for me?" I asked.

"Now, Rhianna, you dont have to ask. After all, we are the only ones here!" I got the hint he dropped and walked behind the counter and grabbed an Eclair. It was something like a donut, but more fancier. It had a chocolate coating and a cream filling. I took a bite out of it and in that instant, knew this was the pastry for me. I grabbed two more for later, and left 5 in the capsule. I walked past Christian who was taking a selfie for instagram. That's my best friend for you. I was able to make it past the counter and I placed my Eclairs on a napkin next to my coffee, then he turned his body. Now facing the wall, and me behind him, i knew only one thing. 

"Hey, Anna, smile." Told you. I gladly smiled as he held up the phone and snapped the picture and uploaded it to instagram. 

"I'll be sure to like it later." I winked and walked over to the the little table and grabbed my bag. I dug in my bag until i found my Triforce wallet. Yes, Triforce as in The Legend of Zelda. Me and Christian are the rulers of Hyrule. We're just that good. I opened my wallet and pulled out a crisp 20$ bill and handed it to Christian. 

"No way, Rhi. It's all on the house." I refused.

"No way, Novelli. You work your butt off all day, take it and keep the change!" He groaned and took it from my hand. I laughed and blew my coffee to cool it down. I leaned against the counter and just relaxed. I couldn't ask for a better day, honestly.

"... Meet my dedication, inspiration..." Christian sang out loud, i knew it was time for my cue.

"... It may be smothering you, but you know it's the truth..." That's one of the cool things we have in common, our music taste. We both love music, Of Mice & Men and Man Overboard in particular. I stood there while Christian cleaned up the tables and swept. I walked behind the counter and grabbed a pink box for my pastries and placed them inside. I walked back to the little table and grabbed my bag and pulled it over my shoulder, letting it fall to my thigh.

"Ready?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"Ready, Freddy!" He said taking off the red uniform cap and apron, revealing his blue crew neck. He grabbed his phone and charger and grabbed the keys to lock up Victrola's. He handed me his charger and i placed it in my bag. Then the front door opened. I felt the cold breeze hit me and knew Christian felt it too, because he shivered. Two guys walked in. They were unmistakable.

"Aww are you guys closing?" the tall one asked. 

Christian nodded.

"Told you, man! Jeez, all because you refused to wear a certain pair of shoes! Taking up our time." The short ginger was angry. I turned to Christian and knew he recognized them too.

Austin Carlile and Alan Ashby.

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