Chapter three: It's All Good

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The hospital wouldn't allow anymore visits, and consequently they were all very nervous. All they could do was wait until the hospital called and told them he could go back home.

Two weeks later, Kirk, James and Dave were sitting in their hotel room, when they suddenly heard the door unlock. James went to see who it was and sure enough, he was looking at Lars, with only a few bandages, he was looking fine. He smiled as he saw James and said that he had missed him. James was so pleased to hear that, and asked him how he was doing.

"I'm okay, feeling a lot better now" Lars replied. "I've been really bored there in the hospital, I mean, WHO HAS NO TV IN A HOSPITAL?"

James laughed.

"How come the hospital hasn't called us to tell us you were coming?" James asked. Lars smiled and said "oh I told them not to, wanted it to be a surprise"

Kirk and Dave hurried into the corridor as soon as they heard Lars's voice. They were glad to see him, they were jumping up and down like little teenage girls and then soon after helped him on the couch.

"Jerry said he'll come by next week to talk to us, then we go directly to the studio to record extras on our album." Kirk said, "how's your arm? Will you be able to play?"

Lars looked at his arm and said "well not now, I won't. But I'm sure in two weeks' time I'll be able to fucking rock!"

Everyone was glad to hear that!

"Are you hungry?" James asked Lars, "do I make you something to eat?"

Lars said he had just had dinner and was full. Oh how glad was James to see Lars again, to hear his voice, to sit beside him on the couch. But was it time to tell him how he felt? "No.. Perhaps not" he said in a whisper.

"What was that, James?" Kirk asked curiously. "Oh nothing.. Nothing at all" was all that James could think of as a reply.

After just a few days, Lars's hand was almost completely healed, and he was practicing day and night, not to let the band down. He, Kirk, Dave and James have waited for this for far too long to let it slip away. It had to be perfect. So they all practiced as hard as possible to make sure everything went well.

The (second) big day came, and it was time to show Jerry only once more, what they've got. They did their cover songs and their originals (the ones Jerry hasn't heard before) and once more left Jerry impressed. They talked about where they would go from here and about their next albums. And after some sessions to the studio and recording and finishing the album, everyone agreed that it must be called Kill 'Em All.

And that was the beginning of their long journey.

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