Chapter 8: Resolve

Start from the beginning

His redoubled efforts at work even impressed his father and earned him a few words of praise, which he scoffed at but inwardly treasured. Indeed, this was the best way. To get back to the way things were– that's what was best for him. But the absence of Kakarot in his life had undeniably left an aching void. Before, he had never known such closeness with another person, and now that he knew what he was missing the absence seemed cruelly obvious.

An entire week he diligently avoided the saiyajin, still at a loss for what to do with him or how to face him. Every evening he would toss Kakarot's food in and then take off back up the hill. Once he dared to try and get a look at the saiyajin from his old hiding place on the humidifier, but as he feared, the creature now knew to look there for him. Kakarot had been asleep at the time, and watching his peaceful features made Vegeta begin to have some doubts about his malicious intents at mind control. Kakarot seemed to feel his presence, though, and awoke. Almost immediately he spotted him and tried to approach, but Vegeta was already halfway to the house.

When the weekend came Vegeta threw a huge formal dress cocktail party, quite extravagant for one put together on such short notice. The sprawling guest list reached well over one hundred. Alcohol flowed freely, a live band played, and tables of fancy appetizers and sweets sat for the taking.

Vegeta passed gracefully through the crowds, flattering, joking, making comfortable idle talk, and all in all demonstrating the highest level of the art of schmooze. Teasing jabs about the state of his affairs or the breakup with his wife were taken with unusual good humor, and his role as flawless host charmed all those around him. With this party, he fully returned to the good graces of his colleagues and peers. Bruised egos had finally been mended and he was caught up in his business dealings.

Vegeta grinned, feeling quite pleased with himself as he sipped his third Rob Roy. Everything had improved immensely. Even the dreams and frightening sexual urges had diminished after not seeing Kakarot for so long. He spotted an old friend of the family and approached.

"Schwartzman! You made it! How are you, I haven't seen you in ages." The man turned and they exchanged a hearty handshake.

"Why Vegeta, you old bastard! God, you still look the same as ever. So what's it like to be free again? Eh? Eh? I bet those honeys are beating down your door. Man, I remember those wild days before I settled down..."

"Heh-heh, the only woman beating down your door now is your daughter, and she just wants your credit cards."

Schwartzman let out a belly laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. "Ha ha! You've got that right!"

"So where's she going to college in the fall?"

The following conversation detailed all the prestigious colleges Schwartzman's daughter had been accepted to, her GPA, her awards– basically a father's brag-fest on how beautiful and talented and wonderful his little girl was.

Vegeta had such a pleasant buzz going he didn't even mind listening. Neither did he notice the faint ripple of hushed, tittering whispers winding among the normal drone of conversation, or notice when someone behind him laid a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. His friend had started talking about the new car he planned to buy his daughter when the hand shook his shoulder insistently.

"Looks like somebody wants your attention, Vegeta."

"Hm? Wha...?" Vegeta turned, only half paying attention.


Kakarot, sick of being ignored, had decided to take his human form and come to Vegeta instead. So there he stood, in the middle of a crowded ballroom, frowning down on Vegeta with accusing eyes while lounge music crooned in the background and high society looked on in amusement.

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