Chapter 6: Uninvited Guest

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Peace returned to the mansion for a time, until the dreary, rainy Monday when Kakarot was awakened at noontime. The click and creak of the greenhouse door would have captured his attention at any time, since it always heralded the arrival of his favorite person, but Vegeta never came this early, never interrupted his sleep.

He crouched within his treetop nest, listening, and extended his senses. The sound of unfamiliar, clicking footsteps met his ears. No... this was not Vegeta's walk... not his breathing, not his scent– this person felt all wrong. A stranger had come. Kakarot's face tightened into a grim mask as he stole away from the nest.

Buruma Briefs had returned to the greenhouse.

She strolled wistfully down the path, appreciating the greenery, surprised that Vegeta had maintained the little forest. She wondered if he'd kept the place beautiful for her or because he didn't want an investment to go to waste. Probably a combination of both.

Buruma sighed and bent down to admire a waterlogged bromeliad, then fondly caressed the glossy green leaves of a creeping vine. She did miss this place. It was her special sanctuary, the place where she could go to escape from Vegeta and find some peace of mind after their frequent verbal battles.

That was all in the past now, she reminded herself, or it would be if she could ever convince Vegeta to let go.

As she approached, Vegeta's collection of tropical birds exploded out of a nearby bush, streaking upwards and circling the vaulted glass ceiling.

"My god, are those new?" she murmured. "He actually bought new birds. How strange– he never showed any interest in the greenhouse before." Her eyes glimmered with despair as she watched them. "Is this another of your efforts to draw me back, Vegeta? I'm sorry, but no amount of money you spend can change how I feel. It's over between us."

A barely noticeable rustle in the nearby bushes drew her attention, and she began to wonder if it was really her presence that had upset the birds.

"Vegeta, is that you?"

The groundskeeper did say he'd been coming here a lot, she thought. She walked over to the bushes but found nothing. The birds overhead shrieked and trilled, growing increasingly agitated.

"Vegeta? Come on, Vegeta, I know that's you. Stop playing with me, you're making me nervous. Look, please... I brought the divorce papers with me." She held up her briefcase. "Would you please sign them? I'm tired of fighting over this; I'm not going to change my mind, no matter what you do. Vegeta? Vegeta!"

Buruma strained to listen, but heard only the sound of fluttering wings and pattering rain. But she could sense someone... sensed that she was not alone. Was it really Vegeta? Hiding and stalking quietly was not like him at all– he preferred confrontations and loud, dramatic arguments.

Where was he? Buruma spun around, hearing the swish of tall grasses to her left. Or was it a shaking of leaves in the trees above? Suddenly the greenhouse grew deathly still– not a rustle or a peep or sweep of feathers. The thick silence pounded unnaturally in her ears, and apprehension gathered in her stomach and seeped down her legs. She felt rooted to the spot. The cold, energizing fire of true fear seized her brain and instinct sent her an message, sounding so loud and so clear that all other thoughts vanished: Get out, NOW.

Buruma turned on her heel and dashed headlong down the stone path to the exit, never looking back, never stopping till she reached her car. Trembling from head to foot and covered in a sheen of sweat, the businesswoman cranked the gears into reverse and with a squealing of tires fled the estate.

It was just my imagination, she told herself desperately, it wasn't real...

But no matter how she tried to convince herself, for that split second when she turned to run, she knew she'd seen a pair of hateful yellow eyes glaring murderously from the darkness beyond the trees.

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