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First imagine!!
You and Dylan started dating a year ago or so and in your aniversary he surprised you with two plane tickets to Spain
*At the airport*
"I'm so excited! I can't wait to visit Spain with you!" You squealed, Dylan chuckled "I'm really excited too, C'mon let's get something to drink while we wait for the plane" you smiled and held his hand.
The plane arrived and you sat next to the window, it was going to be a long flight but it didn't bother you, you were with Dylan. You noticed that a two girls who were sitting near you kept staring and giggling at Dylan so you gave them a glare and they stopped, looking at you with a disgusted face.
*time skips till you arrive Spain*
You were getting out of the airport and you already reserved a hotel room so you got a taxi and went to the hotel.
"Hola! Welcome to Spain, where are you from?" The taxi driver said with a Spanish accent "venimos de los Estados unidos" I said, I knew some Spanish because I really liked the subject. The driver smiled and Dylan gave me a astonished look "how do you speak Spanish so well?" "I took Spanish and I liked it"
You arrived to the hotel and settled in. "Ummm.. (y/n) how about we go to the wax museum?" "Yes! But wax people kinda creep me out". You both started laughing and went to the museum. You took a lot of pictures and had a lot of fun. Then you started to get a bit hungry so you asked Dylan: "Hey Dyl, I'm hungry, can we go grab something to eat?" "Sure, let's look around" You went to a small shop called Taste of America and bought a bar of Hershey's chocolate and then went to a starbucks nearby. You were tired after the flight and the time change and the museum so you went to the hotel.
"Dylan, I'm really tired imma go to bed" "you sure? Do you want me to get some takeout to have dinner?" "No, it's okay I'm not hungry" "okay" he kissed you in the forehead and gave you your pj's. You changed clothes and so did Dylan. You two slipped into bed and cuddled together. "Thanks Dyl, for everything" "I love you so much (y/n), this is the least I can do" you kissed him and he looked at you and smiled, that's the last thing you remember before going asleep.

I'm sorry this is kinda short and crappy but ill get better at this
Don't forget to coment and vote, love youuu

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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