Chapter Two

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“Louis? Lou, wake up.”

I was shaken out of my slumber and greeted by a familiar pair of sparkling brown eyes. Only this time they weren't sparkling because she was smiling – they were sparkling with tears. I scoot over in my bed and open my arms wide as Sophia crawls into them. She has discarded her jeans and was wearing one of her over-sized t-shirts. She crawls into my open arms and collapses into muffled sobs in my shoulder. Without even thinking about it, my hand gingerly places itself in her hair and strokes it gently as my other arm wraps tightly around her shoulders. I squint my eyes to read my clock on the bedside table. The clock reads two am.

“Another fight?”

She nods her head as she tries franticly to wipe away her falling tears – but fails. They fall harder this time as a sob hitches in the back of her throat cutting off her air. The sobs comes out in an angst gasp and she buries head into the crook of my neck.

“It's going to be alright, Soph.”

“How do do you know that?” she hiccups.

“Because you guys always fight and make up.”

“This one was bad.” she hiccups again. “There was throwing things and stuff breaking and screaming and cursing.”

I feel her shudder so I tighten my arms.

“He didn't touch you did he?”

“No, he didn't touch me.”

“Good because I'd kick his arse all the way back to Ireland.”

“I know you would, Lou.” she sighs happily.

Her tears finally stopped and she yawns and snuggle closer in my arms.

“I don't know what I'd do without you, Louis.” she says sincerely.

“Me either.” I mutter hoping she didn't hear me.

She makes no movement as to hearing me and hear her breathing quiet down and I know she's asleep. The next morning I awake before she does. Her cheeks were tear-stained with her make-up and hair a mess. I place a gentle kiss on her forehead and tuck her more tightly under the blankets. My sock-covered feet pad across the wooden floor of my room as I walk into the kitchen. The quietly pull out the pots and pans to start making breakfast. I flip the eggs in the pan when a knock on the door startles me. I unlock the door and Niall is standing behind it with one red rose. I lean against the door frame with my foot crossing over the other blocking the door, my arms crossed over my chest.

“You didn't touch her, did you?” I question flatly.

My question surprises Niall and he takes a small step back, fearing I'll come after him.

“No never.” he gasps. “I would never.”

Silence slips between us as Niall avoids my eyes.

“May I come in?” he asks quietly.

I step away from leaning on the door frame and walk back to the kitchen. Niall takes it as an indication that he's allowed in.

“She's in my room.”

Niall looks up at me with raised eyebrows and it causes me to roll my eyes at his expression.

“I like penis remember.”

Niall grimness at my comment and walks to my room. I chuckle because it's easy making him uncomfortable. A couple of minutes later they walk out my room. Niall's one arm was wrapped around the back of Sophia's neck as her arm was wrapped around his waist. She was smiling slightly into the rose. She faces lights up a little more when she sees me.

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