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---Shehry's POV---

Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!

Okay, now he's so dead.

I quickly dialed for ambulance and then called Hussian.

"Hello," Arti said.

"Aru, where's Hussian?" I asked.

"He's downstairs. Woh bhabi kha parents are here. Which reminds me, when will you guys come home?" She asked.

I went on and told her everything.

"Okay, we'll meet you there,"she said and hung up.

Her parents just had to be there. They're going to kill me if they find out we went to Shan's party.

Which reminds me I need to find that son of a b*tch. But for now, I need to focus on my wife.

The ambulance came and took her.

We were all waiting at the hospital now.

I didn't have it in me to talk, so the guys kept talking to the doctor.

"Kya bolo doctor nah?" Atif asked for me.

"Same thing as usual. It's quite serious, we're trying our best,"Waqas said.

I still didn't say anything just stayed like a statue for God knows how long.

"Okay. We've done the best we can, patient is awake,"she said.

Thank you God.

"However,"she said.

Oh no.

"We were unable to save the child. And because of the way she landed and hurt, I'm afraid to tell you that she won't be able to become pregnant again,"she said and left.

And back to statue postion I go.

"Shehry, come on. You need to be strong for her,"Waqas said.

I hugged him and cried. Just like the first time I was told to be strong for her.

"I understand its hard for you,"he said.

I was waiting for him to say something like however, but or yet, but he never did.

"Shehry, you should be with her. She needs you now more than ever,"Atif said.

He was definitely right, but I felt like my feet were glued to the floor.

Hussain came and sat in front of me with these knees to the floor.

"Shehry, I know you are stronger than you think. Bhabi needs you. Remember, we are all with you. With the both of you,"he said.

"Thanks guys,"I said.

"Abh jho,"they said.

I got up and went to her room.

"Hey,"I said sitting next to her.

"Hi,"she said.

"Uuumm, how're you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm okay,"she said.

"Did you find.."I was saying but didn't have it in me to finish the sentence.

"Ya. Doctor told me. I knew something had to be extremely wrong that you weren't coming and everyone else had,"she said.


"Sorry,"I said.

"I should be the one to apologize. Everyone kept telling me to stay away from him and I was a stubborn girl. Didn't want to lose a friend, ended up losing a life,"she said.

The last part she said with tears going down her face.

I wiped them off.

"Shehry,"she said.

"Bolo,"I said.

"You do I know I don't have cancer right? I mean that phone call a year back, it wasn't real,"she said.

"Ya, I do but how do you know?" I asked.

"I was actually sitting at the table behind them when they made the call. Had a meeting there with a colleague,"she said.

"And you never told me?" I questioned.

"You never told me you knew,"she said.

"Okay fine. Fair play,"I said.

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