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The Doctor held out a Tardis blue handkerchief, which I took and wiped under my eyes.
"I understand it will take time." The Doctor said in a soft voice.
"Time! Doctor you're a completely different person!"
"But that's the point I'm not! I may look different, have grey hair, have different kidneys but I'm the Doctor. The Doctor that you've always known. The Doctor that will always care for you and protect you." The Doctor replies in his angered Scottish voice. "This is hard for me too. I have to adapt too - find out who I am!"
"You just told me who you are: you're the Doctor!" I reply helplessly. "You not knowing who you are isn't going to help me! I look to you for help and care. I need you to be the Doctor!"
The Doctor turned round and shuffled over to the console. He fiddled around with the buttons and levers in front of him and examined his hands.
"I didn't want to look old." The Doctor grumbled as he turned his hands over and studied his wrinkled skin. "But then I guess I am old aren't I?" He chuckled. "I felt so young before, I looked so young before. Maybe that's why you can't cope you don't want to be hanging around with a Grandad, especially now that I look like one."
I stand there in silence not sure of what to say next.

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