"I'm not sure how you balance it with all of your schoolwork." Ginny had a hint of awe in her voice."

"It all comes down to time management. I have a schedule and I have to stick to it if I'm going to get everything done. Though, two particular people who shall not be named have done a pretty good job at helping me find ways to take a break now and then."

Hermione had aimed her prodding remark Harry's way, but the boy was so deep in thought that he had been completely oblivious to it.

"Yoo-hoo, Earth to Harry." Ginny was waving her hand in front of his face. "Where have you been the past five minutes?"

Hermione briefly wondered where his mind had gotten off to, but was brought back to the present by Luke taking her hand and leading her out into the street.

"I love the Weasley's shop." They strolled hand in hand towards the violent purple shop, "They always have such neat products. Bloody shame about Fred, always liked him." Luke's face fell and it was then that Hermione caught it: he suddenly looked much older and careworn for the briefest of moments. It was such a brief yet total transformation that Hermione's mouth simply hung open.

"What's wrong?" Luke's face was suddenly back to his confidant, boyish self. The gears in Hermione's mind were whirring but she forced her face into a smile. "Nothing just got lost in my head for a second."

"That's not hard to believe." Luke laughed. "So what's it like being best friends with the most famous wizard in Britain?"

"It has had its moments," Hermione briefly flashed through seven years' worth of harrowing adventures, "but he's never really been any sort of hero or celebrity to me. He's just Harry." She briefly looked over her shoulders to see Harry and Ginny absorbed in conversation.

"You two really care for one another don't you?"

"Yes, but it's nothing like that." Hermione turned back to Luke, "We've just always looked out for one another. You go through things like we have and you form a bond you know?" Hermione wasn't even convincing herself with her line of logic.

"Everyone always you were going to either wind up with Weasley or him. Weasley obviously didn't work out, but how come you and Harry never happened?"

Hermione laughed. "I don't know. We just never really moved in that direction I guess."

"I see." They pushed their way into the crowded joke shop. Hermione had long had to admit herself that despite her distaste for pranks, there was some truly brilliant magic behind the products.

"Think Harry would notice if I switched his broom?" Luke picked up a joke broom that the advertisement said would turn into a rubber chicken when given the "up" command.

"Unfortunately I think he would." Hermione scanned the crowd and spotted a laughing Harry and Ginny holding what looked to be an exploded jack-in-the-box. Harry was coated in a purple powder and looked thoroughly ridiculous, yet Hermione's face fell into a frown.

"Too bad, it might help our chances in the quidditch match."

She turned back to Luke to break her gaze from Harry, but was taken by surprise that Luke too was looking across the room with a weary and faraway look in his eye, completely at odds with his normal boyish charm.

"Easy to get distracted in here isn't it?" Hermione attempted a chuckle, but was again taken aback by the change in Luke. Again it was only a brief moment before his perfect smile came sliding back across his face, almost like a mask being put into place.

"Yeah, want to head to the book shop?"

"Sure, let's grab the others." They managed to shove their way through the crowd to where Harry and Ginny were standing. "Ready to go you two?"

The End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now