Chapter two.

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When Nick took Lilly off my mother he broke my mothers arm so she wasnt capable of looking after Lilly on her own for a while esspecially if dad is at work so much so dad gave us permission for Lilly to stay with us in the prison.

Whats more, now that all the prisoners in my block save us they have become very protective of Lilly and i, they have agreed to help out which is amazing.

We took the mattress's off the beds and put them on the floor so the three of us could sleep together, lilly in the middle of us.

This morning the shower alarm went of an hour early for the big suprise dad promised the prisoners.

"Goodmorning everyone, now as promised you will all get a very special reward for all your help yesterday saving my daughter and granddaughter, so when your ready head on in" dad anounced then moved aside as the double doors were opened by two guards.

As promised dad gave the prisoners the best gift they could ever ask for in a maximum security prison, the prisoners were beyond extatic at what was waiting in the food hall.

There families for an entire day!

The warden had let the families of the prisoners into the prison to spend a whole day doing what ever they felt like, no working in the garden today just fun with loved ones.

Also he had set up a few activities around the jail, how he managed to organize all this is a mystery.

A movie theater was set up in the visiters hall, a sports day on the court yard, and much to everyones suprise, all you can eat food stands in the food hall that is open for the hole day.

Pizza's! Pie's! Desserts! And Lollies!

I must say dad sure knows how to thank people.

But what was better is dad, mum, jay his parents, Lilly and myself all left the prison for the day and spent it at my parents house where we had a barbique.

Today was also the first time Jays parents met Lilly and thankfully they fell in love with her immediatly.

We were all in the kitchen talking while eating when the home phone started ringing.

Dad got up to answer the phone while we were still eating, he was still in ear shot when he answered so we could hear what he was saying.

"Hello, genson residents, max speaking" oh yeah did i forget to say, when mum and dad renewed there wedding vows dad took our name.

Dads anger could be heard when he spoke again, turning away from us though that didnt do much.

"How did you get this number?" Dad comanded slamming his hand down on the kitchen bench making half of us jump, we all turned to watch him wondering who was on the phone.

"You stay away from me, and you stay the hell away from my family, im not letting you get in the middle of my family again" he hung up immediatly after speaking running his hand threw his hair, he then turned to face us pain and guilt on his face.

"Guard please come and cuff Sophia and Jay where leaving, now" the guard that was standing up against the wall watching us came over without a word helping me get to my feet and produced some hand cuffs.

"Dad whats wrong who was that" i asked as the guard was cuffing my legs after he cuffed me he cuffed Jay's wrists and ankles then cuffed our wrist cuffs together.

"You remember the reason i left before you and your sister were born?" Dad asked, I remember when i was in the hospital harry the ex con and current guard was telling me about dad's side of the family and what happened all those years ago.

"Yes why?"

"Well that was my father, your grandfather" dad lowered his head upset, mum was on her feet and ran to dad holding him.

"I'm not loosing you again max, we finally became a family again, im not letting your parents seperate us again" mum and dad hugged and kissed.

"I know my love, until Sophia and Jay are released from jail they are safe, but how am i suppose to keep them safe out here, you know what my parents are like, who knows what they would have done to you if i didnt release all those prisoners to find you, what would they do to our daughter and also Jay" dad asked.

"We'll think of something, we have years to come up with a plan so dont worry, for now you take them back home and i'll see you tonight" mum kissed dad again.

Jay and i said goodbye to his parents and my mother. Also earlier today Jay's parents decided to stay with my parents for a couple of days so Lillys staying here, so we kissed and hugged her goodbye and left hoping into the truck we borrowed from the prison.

An hour into the drive back to jail dad was telling us about his father growing up when we were suddenly jolted forward, i thought the driver stopped suddenly but apparently not, dad banged on the metal that was behind the driver and yelled out.

"What was that, what's happening?"

"A blank van is trying to run us off the road sir, orders?" The driver asked, Jay and i looked at each other worried for each others safety.

"Speed up, dont let them hit us again" suddenly the truck sped up faster then i thought it could go but the van managed to catch up and bump into us again making us fly forward in our seats.

"Do something!" Dad yelled at the driver but it was to late the van hit us again and the driver lost control of the truck and we swirved off the road, because we were going to fast for the driver to control, the truck tipped on its side sending the three of us to the wall that was now on the ground.

Dad hit his head on the wall and was knocked out, Jay and i were flown forward together since we were still chained together with Jay landing on me.

"Im so sorry babe" he said pulling himself off me so he didn't crush me, we crawled over to dad trying to wake him up by shaking him but he wouldnt budge, we heard the back of the truck being opened so Jay grabbed the hand gun off dads hip and aimed it to the door, i hope he knows how to use that thing.

When it was opened we were happy to see it was just the guard, so Jay dropped the gun on the ground and helped me up and out of the truck.

"Are you hurt?" The guard asked checking us for injuries.

"No but please help dad, he's not waking up" i asked turning to look back in the truck where dad was still lying down unconsious.

"Dont even think about it?" The guard pulled out his gun lightening fast and aimed it behind us were the deep voice came from, we turned around and a big buff looking man in his 60s or 70s and a smallish woman around the same age was standing there with hand guns pointed towards us.

"Lower your wepons" the young guard yelled at them but all they did was laugh at him.

"I believe your out numbered wepon wise, now you to come here" he said to Jay and i, we looked at the guard for help but he was standing there helpless.

He was the only guard here, dad thought we would only need one at my parents house, we had no choice but to do as the couple say, Jay grabbed my hand in his and we walked forward, the lady went over and opened the back of the van and motioned with her gun for us to get in.

When we got in the man looked at the guard one last time before hopping in to the back with us holding the gun towards us, while the lady got in the drivers seat starting the van to drive off.

I saw the guard threw the window put his fingers threw his hair in frustration before hurrying into the back of the truck where dad was still unconsious oblivious to what just happened.

All i wanted to do was cry right now but i couldn't risk making these people mad so i put my head down closing my eyes thinking about something to get my mind off whats happening.

I hope Lilly is enjoying herself.

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