I'm out the door

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"Ben, babe?"

Ugh, what the fuck? I ran a hand over my face and jumped a bit as a door slammed shut. "Ben, are you awake?" The voice called. I looked down and groaned, naked. I looked to the side and groaned again, next to Ben. Slowly my mind came to realisation that he was married and that is more than likely to be his wife. I poked my head out the bunk curtain and saw she was looking around the living room in disgust, silently thanking God I snuck across the small hall and opened the first curtain I saw. Dammit, Danny. I sighed and climbed in avoiding touching the two other naked women. I slowly laid myself onto of him, scrunching up my face. Ew, gross, still hard. I heard the girl get closer and I freaked out. I closed my eyes and began to fake being asleep. The curtain slipped open and the girl let out a sound of distaste and muttered 'whores'. HA! I'll take it as a compliment. She slid it shut and turned to Ben's bunk. "Ben, wake up." She huffed. He groaned. I slipped the curtain open and looked around, where is my shit? "I coulda sworn-" He stared, but decided to shut up. I found my clothing, black jean shorts and a dark grey tank top. I quickly slipped on my undergarments and then my clothing. "You could've sworn what?" Sam (Bens wife) asked. He looked up and caught sight of me and squinted, please don't remember. Shrugging he turned back to Sam. "Um, that I set an alarm to wake up." He lied. She nodded and turned around to see me tugging on my combat boot. "Have fun?" She asked bitterly. I smirked. "Oh yes, these boys know how to treat a women." I snickered, glancing at Ben. His eyes widen and he looked back down. Sam scoffed and walked away. I walked past Ben and poked my head in. "Might wanna take care of yer little problem." I teased.

"You fucked the Ben Bruce?" My friend screeched. I slapped a hand over her mouth. "Yes, now quite down." I hissed. She rolled her brown eyes. "Oh my god, was he good? Is he as big as I imagine?" She gushed. I shrugged. "I was pissed off me' ead', I can't remember." I scoffed. "He is big though." I whispered. She squealed and clapped her hands. "Oh my god, I can't wait for Stella to get ere' since we left Scott good things ave' happened!" She chirped. We moved from Scottland to Texas becuse we were sick of everything there honestly, it was too...fimilair. Best choice we ever made. "Hold the fuck up, isn't he married?" She asked, confused. I grinned. "Very." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and shoved me all while calling me a whore, oh well. I linked arms with her and began to tell her what happened when Sam got to the bus, to which she laughed. "We still gonna drink tonight?" She asked. I nodded and gave her a 'duh' look.

"Weren't you on our bus today?" Ben slurred. I downed another shot of whiskey, and nodded. He laughed and threw his fist in the air. "I knew I got lucky!" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and lit up a smoke. "Care to make me lucky again?" He winked. I laughed, shaking my head. "And what about your wife, Sam?" I inquired. I mean, I'm not fussed with banging a married man, but Sam seems a little bitchy and I'm not one who can calmly deal with someone like that. "What she don't know won't kill her." He purred. I looked around and nodded. "Alright." I smirked. He grinned and grabbed my arm and dragged me off to the bathrooms.

"Where'd you go?" Colina screeched. "I thought you tripped and died!" She added, crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes and pointed to Ben making her eyebrows raise. "You sneaky bitch!" She giggled. I laughed, shaking my head. "Let's get some more drinks!" I grinned.


"I think a burger would be good!" I agreed, linking arms with Colina. She fist pumped and skipped along the boardwalk. "What's tonights plans?" She asked. I groaned and ruffled my hair. "I have work, you?" I asked lamely. She puffed up her cheeks and shrugged. "Go and drink my life away." She smirked. I flipped her off and opened the door and waved her in. We quickly took our seats and scanned over the menu. "Hello, I'm Cody, I'll be your waiter today! Can I get you any drinks?" He smiled. I scrunched up my face, so cheery, it's annoying. "I'll get a Watermelon Crusier, please!" Colina chirped. He nodded, writing it down. I sighed and dropped the menu. "Stella, I'd like two." I said giving him a poor excuse for a grin. He nodded and walked off. I lent over the table and grabbed Col's wrist. "Stella isn't moving here anymore!" I hissed. Her eyes widen. "What? Why the fuck not?" She yelped. I moved away and sighed. "She found her 'Soul Mate' and he preposed!" I grunted. She sighed and shrugged. "Guess we can turn the extra room into a music studio!" She grinned. I nodded in agreement and looked up as the boy handed us our drinks. "You ladies ready to order?" He asked. I nodded and looked at my bestfriend who set her menu down and clapped her hands together. "I'll get a Cheese Burger without the cheese." She giggled. He jotted it down and looked at me with a face of distaste.. Fucker. "I'll take a BLT, thanks." I grunted. He nodded and walked off. I turned to Col and rolled my eyes. "Fuckin ass he was." I snapped, taking a swig. She nodded in agreement, setting her drink down. "So, don't rip my head off, but! You and Ben, what's goin on?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I scoffed and set my drink on the table. "I banged him twice, the end." I stated simply. She rolled her eyes and lent back. "Sure, sure." She laughed. I kicked her shin and pouted, asshole.

- Ben's POV -

"Cheers!" I grinned, taking the beer. Sam flopped down beside me, cracking the lid off the bottle. "So, who the bird?" James asked. I frowned and shrugged. "No idea!" I chuckled He rolled his eyes and laughed. I put the bottle to my lips and tipped my head back. "What about Sam?" Cam asked, scrolling on his phone. I shrugged and looked at my phone. "Eh, she won't find out." I said, not worried at all. He shook his head, a small smirk on his lips. "Thats what I thought." He snickered. I flipped him off. "Yeah, well, I'm not and idiot like you!" I huffed. He shook his head again and took a swig. "Who was her friend?" James piped up. I shrugged. "I dunno."

-Next Morning-

"Sam, shut up!" Danny groaned. Sam started shouting and cussing him out to piss him off and went back to making his coffee. "Where you off to?" I asked, eyeing him up. He shrugged and sat across from me. "Meeting up with an old friend." He said simply. I grinned. "Morning sex?" I asked. He frowned and shook his head. "What, no!" He grunted. I shrugged and leant back. "So, who is it then?" I pressed. I rolled his eyes. "You're so nosey. It's my friend, okay? We met when we were younger through our dads." He sighed. I nodded. "So, its a girl?" I smirked. He nodded slowly. "What, a guy can't have female friends?" He huffed. I wriggled my eyebrows making him flip me off. "Whatever, I'm going." He mumbled. Once the door slammed shut I jumped up and ran down to the bunks. "Sam is going on a date!" I screamed. Danny groan and rolled away and James flipped me off. "Yeah, not a date." Cam shrugged, drying his hair. I frowned and looked up at him. "How would you know?" I scoffed. He shrugged. "Because I know." He said stubbornly. I raised an eyebrow. "What are you hiding?" I asked. He groaned and shoved past me. "Nothing, Ben." He sighed. I followed after, complaining until he finally gave in and took me to where ever the fuck Sam went.

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