20. Breaking the Ice

Start from the beginning

"You were saying?" I turned his face back to me. 

"Oh," he frowned. "Just that I think we should hang out before tonight, too. We haven't had good quality time in a while, ya know?"

My heart sank, but my face hid the hurt. 

"Oh, of course!" I forced a small smile. "How about we go see a movie?"

"Sure," he nodded and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Get dressed, we'll go whenever you're ready."

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Rosalyn POV. 

The movies were fine, of course. Harry bought a jumbo popcorn for us to share, but I ate most of it. I was probably stress-eating over not having told him how I truly felt yet. He noticed that I was stressed and tried to get me to talk, but of course, I wouldn't. Eventually he stopped prying and just soothingly rubbed his thumb over my hand as he held it and kissed me softly every now and then. Of course, it made me fall even more in love with him. He was so sweet to me. 

"You excited for game night?" I asked after hours of hanging out and walking around the city. We were in a taxi on the way back to my apartment, sitting as close as possible without me being in his lap. 

"Yeah," he grinned. "I think it'll be fun to have the boys and my favorite girl all in the same place."

"I'm your favorite girl?" I smiled so hard my face hurt, tightening my grip on his hand. 

"Of course," he laughed softly, pecking my lips. "You're pretty cool, ya know?"

"I'm flattered," I giggled, feeling my face flush. "You're so sweet today."

"You're awfully cute today, too," he commented, seeing how much I was blushing. 

"Stop," I pleaded, burying my face in my hands.

"You always do that when you're nervous," he noticed, removing my hands from my face. "It's cute."

"Whatever," I groaned. 

Finally, we pulled up to my building. Everyone was already there, so to make up for being late, we supplied the alcohol for the evening. I didn't want everyone drunk all over my apartment, but since it was game night, I decided to be a little adventurous and supply it like a typical college party. Harry and I walked hand-in-hand, holding the bags of alcohol with our other hand. 

We were greeted with a chorus of "hey!", "there they are", and "what the hell took you so long?". I rolled my eyes playfully, setting out the alcohol and mixing everyone a drink. Liam was setting up monopoly and ignoring the teasing from everyone else about how he chose monopoly as the first game of the evening. 

"Alright, let's make this interesting," Niall proposed, setting his drink down. I sat as close to Harry as possible, hoping he wasn't beginning to see me as clingy. I just loved being close to him. My thoughts ceased as he grabbed my hand and pulled me even closer, leaning in to kiss my neck softly. 

"How so?" Louis asked excitedly. 

"If you have to go to jail, you take a shot," he poured a shot of whiskey and downed it in demonstration. As if these people didn't know how to take a shot. 

"How about if you draw a chance card, you have to take a shot," Louis added. "And if you land on a property with a hotel."

"That's so random," Emily shook her head. "Lame."

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