39. Together

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"Aaron it's a girl!" Beth cried, bursting out of the delivery room in a fit of tears.

"It's a girl! It's a girl!" Penelope cheered as the doctors began fussing over Melanie and the midwife approached me with a teeny tiny bundle of pink blankets.

"Dad, meet your beautiful baby daughter." She grinned, extending the bundle towards me.

Looking down at my baby I felt a swarm of emotions.

All of which threatened to burst as I held her in my arms and looked down at her teeny tiny face, so premature and perfect it broke my heart in two.

"Spence... Spence... Is she okay? Is our baby okay?" Mel gasped and I immediately looked at her worried expression.

"She's perfect." I whispered, my voice breaking as I passed my daughter to my fiancé who too looked fit to burst.

I leaned over Mel's shoulder and watched her watch our baby, caressing her tiny face and stroking her teensy fingers.

I watched Mel; watched the love and admiration and relief on her face and I knew right then that everything I needed in my life was right here with me. I wouldn't change my perfect family for anything in the entire world.

The Leader

Morgan and I watched from the window, watched the doctors all fussing and circling and saying medical things to each other that we couldn't hear from the other side of the glass.

I had to consistently turn and pace the corridor; Melanie's agonising screams enough to have me biting my knuckle and fearing for what was going on.

I mean; were they doing everything they could? Was it supposed to hurt that much?

"Hotch!" Morgan's voice brought me back to the window in the same instant that Beth launched herself out of the delivery room yelling,

"Aaron it's a girl!"

She threw herself against me, crying with happiness as I robotically hugged her in return; disbelieving that I had a granddaughter.

"Congratulations Grandpa." Penelope joked as Beth kissed me and let me go.

"T-thank you...?" I stuttered for the first time in my life.

"Congratulations Hotch." Morgan said, and shook my hand firmly, directing me towards the delivery room despite the fact I was absentmindedly floating there anyway.

"Melanie?" I mumbled as I reached the foot of her bed where the doctors had been what felt like seconds previously, but where nothing stood now.

"Dad." She laughed through her happy tears; her baby in her arms.

"I have a granddaughter?" I mumbled in disbelief and she nodded her head, laughing as more tears poured over her eyes.

I was by her side in mere moments and Spencer's daughter was in his arms just like mine was in my arms; my tears on her shoulder as her own tears soaked my shirt.

"I am so proud of you, Melanie." I said firmly, holding her as tight as I could.

"I love you dad." She sobbed.

"I love you more my sweet girl." I pulled back and kissed her cheek, sweeping her tears away.

I didn't realise Spencer had walked around to my side of Melanie's bed.

"Would you like to hold your granddaughter?" He said in a tear-thickened voice; his cheeks tear-stained also.

I looked towards Beth at the foot of the bed with Morgan and Penelope and she gave me the thumbs up; her happy tears rolling over her cheeks as she grinned at me.

Lies - Criminal Minds || Spencer Reid FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang