I was tagged!!!

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Ok, so I was tagged by CaptainWhimsy16 before I could even write my first rant, so I've gotta do this tag thing. But don't worry, a rant's coming right after this!


All of my friends call me strawberry because of my hair color. Then they joke about me being a cannibal if they ever see me eating strawberries :P

2-Eye Color

My eyes are a light blue, and they have a really dark blue ring around the outer edge.

3-Hair Color

My hair is strawberry blonde, with natural highlights in the front.

4-One Fact About Me

When I was little, and my parents would take me to the mall Santa, I never knew what to say so I always lied. Every year for five years, I would ask for a kitten and a bike, because I knew a lot of girls my age wanted that stuff.

5-Favorite Color


6-Favorite Place

A park that's near my house

7-Favorite Celebrity

I don't know if she counts as a celebrity, but I don't care because I love her so: Hayley Williams!!!

8-Favorite Animal

Any breed of dog!

9-Favorite Song

It pretty much changes every day, but today it's Mr. Brightside by the Killers

10-Favorite Book

Oh goodness. I love too many. Probably The Hobbit

And now I have to tag 20 people:

1 Nerdier_Than_You

2 Paramore_127

3 TooNerdy4You

4 carolineshipsalot

5 LoveLifeFailer

6 Whovian__Timelord

7 SaltMistress

8 NotAYoutubeAddict

9 girlMarauder4life

10 HyperionH

11 cyborg103

12 0ReadVoteComment0

13 Movies_Music

14 MisunderstoodCas

15 missyq0814

16 _missnotsoperfect_

17 Ishmal2003

18 HarryandJamie4eva

19 lillanasnow45

20 oreostar123

Okay, that's it. I'll be posting a rant very shortly, I've just gotta type it up.


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