Chapter 1: New Friends

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Nelly’s P.O.V

I woke up then looked at the clock to see it was six o’clock so I went to take a shower. After I was done I went downstairs into the kitchen and cooked breakfast and lunch for me and my big brother.

After I finish cooking I went upstairs to wake my brother up. When I got to his door, I open the door slowly then ran in and jumped on the bed saying “Wake up” He fell off the bed then got up and looked up at me with an angry look which I gave him an innocent look while sitting on his bed looking down at him.

He got up and went downstairs to eat his breakfast. I went down and at breakfast with him until he left to get ready for school. After a few minutes he left to go to school.

You must be thinking why don’t you go to school? , how old are you? , and who are you? Well I don’t go to school because I don’t need (want) to, I’m 16 and my name is Nelly Kitsune and I live with my big brother Robert Sora and he’s 16 too but 8 months older. I know you must be asking why we have different last name, that’s because he’s not related to me he just found me and I don’t feel like telling you how he found me.

As I was cleaning the kitchen I saw that he had left his bento so I went upstairs  and put on some black skinny jeans and a red shirt that said “Touch and you die” in big bold letters.

*Time skip lunch time at Ichigo’s high school*

As I was walking to the school I notices Robert was on the roof with some other people so I took my time getting there.

When I got there I could hear that he was talking about me with his friends. It made me mad so I went up to him and hit him upside the head and said “You forgot your lunch” coldly but with a *smile* on my face.

Then I gave him the bento then I said “Bye I’m going home” as I was walking away. Robert had stop me and said “Thanks but why not stay you have nothing better to do” I looked at him then I shrug and said “Sure why not” and sat next to him.

He looked at his friends and said “Guys this is my sister the one I been talking about” Even if my eyes were close my right eye twitched. As one of my brother’s friend stared to introduce himself I open my eyes to see that he had orange hair and brown eyes. He said “Well it’s nice to meet you I’m Ichigo Kurosaki”

The boy next to him said “I’m Mizuiro Kojima” He had black hair and green eyes. Then it was a boy with brown hair and eyes, he said “I’m Keigo Asano” Then it was another boy with brown hair and eyes but he was much taller, he had said “I’m Yasutora Sado but you can call me Chad”

I looked up and saw Rukia Kuchiki. How I know her, well my mission is to make sure she’s ok (By a certain someone) She smiled and said “I’m Rukia Kuchiki and it’s nice to meet you” I *smiled* and said “I’m Nelly Kitsune and it’s nice to meet you all” They all smiled (except Ichigo and Chad, I don’t know if they smile when they meet new people).

Then Mizuiro said “If you don’t mind me asking, why are yours and Robert’s last name different” I *smiled* and said “Um well there different because I’m adopted” They all “Oh” after I said that. I had sense a hollow so I made an excuse for me and my brother, I said “Ah I almost forgot nii-chan I need your help to find crystal-chan (A dog that I  found) got loose and I can’t find her” He stood up and waved bye to his friends as we walked away. As we were outside the school I heard Rukia’s hollow detector go off.

*Time skip to where the hollow is*

As me and Robert got to the scene I grabbed Robert and jumped on top of a building. He looked at me with a ‘wtf’ face and I told him “I have to watch over Rukia so I or you can only help when she’s in danger” He nodded his head and said “Okay but do we tell her who we are or pretend this never happened” “You could say that you can see hollows but I’m going to pretend that I can’t”

I looked back at the hollow to see that Ichigo was fighting the hollow while Rukia just stood to the side watching him fight the hollow in her gigai.

I gasped as I know she’s going to be in trouble. I took my brother and jumped down around a corner where Ichigo just finished fighting the hollow. My brother ran around the corner to talk to Ichigo.

Regular P.O.V

Robert ran around the corner and stop when he reached Ichigo and Rukia. He smiled and said “What’s up” to both of them. They both looked surprised  and then Ichigo said “Y-you can see me” “Yeah and that hollow you fought a few seconds ago” Rukia looked serious and said “How do you know about hollows and how can you see a soul reaper when your only a human” Right then Nelly came running towards them and said “ Hi Rukia, hi Robert” Rukia looked surprise, she had thought that Nelly was someone she knew from the soul society.

Her thoughts were interrupted  when Nelly asked “Why are you here” “Ah um well I was um taking a walk” “Oh ok well Robert I ‘m going to go home since I can’t fine Cryst-” “Bark Bark(Nelly,Nelly)” (What Nelly hears) “Oh there you are I was looking for you where were you” “Bark, Bark, Bark (What are you talking about you let me out of the house to help with your plan)” “Ha, ha, ha let’s go home k Crystal” Rukia, Robert, and Ichigo watch as Nelly walked home.

On the way home Nelly saw 2 teens (male) messing with a dog and a kitten. The dog and the kitten looked hurt but the dog looked more hurt as if it were taking the hits to protect the kitten.

The two teens were beating up the dog and Nelly couldn’t stand it so she put Crystal down and beat the crap out of them saying “Animals have feelings to, they feel pain like us too, so just because your bigger doesn’t mean you can bully them” After Nelly was done the two teens ran away crying and yelling “Sorry” “Mew Mew (It hurts, It hurts so much big brother make it stop)” “Bark, Bark, Bark (Don’t worry I’ll get help)”

The dog ran up to Nelly who crouched down to his level and rubbed his head. “Bark, Bark (Hey lady can you help us)” Nelly got up and picked both of them up carefully so she wouldn’t hurt them and said “Sure” The dog and kitten looked shocked and the dog said “Bark, Bark (You can understand us)” “Yeah I can um do you guys have names” “Bark, Mew (No)” “Well I’ll just call you guys Zack and Cassie, come on Crystal lets go home”

*Extended part*

Robert came home to see Nelly healing a kitten and another dog in her hybrid from (She’s an orange fox) “What the hell you just can’t just keep on bringing animals in the house” “They were hurt and you said I can have three pets” “Ugh fine”


When i put * around smile it means it's fake

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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