Chapter 2

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Soraru and the others we're still finding for him, they didn't found a hint where mafu is but soraru found a white colored cat walking around the forest

"Cat? in the forest? walking around? seriously?" soraru said

"Maybe he's lost." luz

"Yeah, lost like mafu-kun www" kradness

"Stop making jokes about mafu-kun, kura-san he's in danger you know!" luz said

Soraru sighed

He knows that mafumafu really loves cats even if he's allergic so he picked it up and planning to give it to mafumafu

-mafumafu's part-

Mafu noticed that he lost his muffler maybe he lost it while running so he tried to look for it but he didn't found it so he decided to go back where he lost

"It feels so cold.." he said while hugging his legs

"Why it feels cold? it's not even winter yet.."

"I wish soraru-san was here.." he said while his tear was falling


"Seriously where is him..?" luz asked

Soraru saw something, it looks like a blue cloth

So soraru picked it up

The muffler has "まふまふ" on it

Soraru read it "ma..fu- MAFU KUN!"

Mafumafu heared soraru shouted his name


Soraru heared his name it feels weird because he heared his name under the ground

"Where the heck are you?!"kogeinu asked mafu

"I don't know!"

"Are there any hints so we can go there?" luz

"Umm.. I Think this place is cold and feels weird" mafu

'Cold? weird?' soraru tought himself

"AH! i know! he said that "a place cold and weird right? That place looks weird!" Soraru pointed to the place that looks weird.

Mafu called that place weird because the trees are color black and the flowers are dead.

Soraru and the others went to that place

"Why the heck is there no sky here!?" kradness asked

"Yeah it feels cold too" luz

"Then mafu-kun is also here!" kogeinu

"You know what guys? This place doesn't have sky because.." soraru

"Because what?" kogeinu

" We're u n d e r t h e g r o u n d " soraru


"Yeah i know, it feels weird and this place doesn't even have stairs!" soraru said

"It feels so scary.." kogeinu

"Hora, hora, koge-san daijoubou, we're here to save mafu-kun afterall" luz said while patting kogeinu

"Stop patting me oi" kogeinu

"SORARU-SAN! LUZ-KUN!" mafu shouted their names

"Mafu, where are you?!?" soraru asked

"I'm inside a house! witch house! i can't see anything, i'm blind folded!" mafu said

"Shit.." kradness whispered

"We don't see any witch house here!" soraru said

"Well i remembered that the witch entered a hole, a black hole!" mafu said

Soraru and the others saw a black hole, they ran and entered the black hole.

Mafumafu x Soraru Lost in ForestWhere stories live. Discover now