“Can I talk to you?” I whispered.

She smiled and nodded. She led me up the stairs into Nick’s study. I sat on the couch and Emily sat on the computer chair.

“Okay, spill.”

I sighed. “Do you know what happened between Nick and me?”

“Yes, he let his wolf get control.”

I nodded. “Yeah, and I left and went to live with my best friend from high school…” she opened her mouth to comment but I held up my hand. “Please let me finish. I went to her house, knocked on her door and met her boyfriend and son and they offered me to live with them. So, I accepted and Peyton—my best friend—called Matt. Matt was my boyfriend and when I left randomly, I left without an explanation… to either of them. So, Peyton suggested calling him and he came over and we talked it all through. He still doesn’t know why I left, but I promised to tell him when I get back, so that’s what I am doing. But,” I sighed, “we kissed and I… I don’t know what to do. Nick came over and figured out that Matt’s a werewolf and they brought up the mating process and everything and I… I don’t know what to do, Em! I still love Nick after everything, but I’m still in love with Matt. I never got over him. I’m so confused.”

By the time I finished I was crying and had my head in my hands. I was so confused and lost and I felt like I was kept in the dark. I’ve never felt so strongly for anyone my whole life and now I was feeling it full force… and I didn’t like it.

Emily blinked. She stood up and crouched in front of me. She took my hands in hers. “Honey, listen to me—and you need to let me finish.” She took in a deep breath. “I don’t know how you feel and I’m not going to pretend like I do, but the mating process is more complex than what you were explained. Every person has a soul mate—that one special person that has a piece of your soul. However, with werewolves, it’s different.” My head snapped up to hers. “Wolves are Pack animals and they are very affectionate towards others. You may love my son, but you could love Matt more. It’s the degree of love that you feel for that person. For example, I love you but I love Eric more.”

I laughed. “That’s not a very far analogy.”

She shook her head. “Let me finish. I love you like a daughter but I love Eric as a husband. I love my sons, but I love Eric more. I think you love Nick, but you love Matt more. You love Nick because of everything that has happened between you two, but you and Matt… you two are soul mates. You two are supposed to be together. Now it’s my turn to ask you: how do you feel when you kissed Matt?”

I felt the tips of my ears turn red. “I had butterflies…”

Emily smiled. “How did you feel with Nick?”

“It wasn’t like with Matt.”

Her smile turned huge. “My point has been proven.”

“But, why does Nick feel so strongly for me?”

Emily shrugged. “He’s always been an over protective, loving and attached guy. It’s just who he is and he’s never had a girl in his life. Sure, he’d sleep around with numerous women in his teen years and even a while before he met you, but as soon as he saw how vulnerable you looked and how beautiful you are… I’m sure he got attached really easily. You weren’t like all the other girls he’s been with. That’s why he had the assumption that you two were mates. He loves you, but not in the way that he thinks. He wants to protect you against any harm and he needs to realize that you aren’t his mate. And I think he’ll figure it out soon enough.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Emily. It means a lot to me.”

She stood up, her knees cracking. “I’m getting too old for this.”

I laughed and stood up too. “No, Eric is.” I winked.

“I agree, but don’t tell him I told you that.” She winked back. “But, on a serious note, do what makes you happy, Delilah. Nick will always love and support you no matter what.”

I wasn’t so sure about that. 

A/N: Okay, so I'm actually extremely happy about this chapter. I just really hope it's long enough. I had a hrd time trying to fingure out when to end it and I'm not so sure that this was the best place. I was going to make it where Delilah tells the Pack about the Noah situation, but that would've been an EXTREMELY long chapter. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

Yes, Nick isn't her real mate. Surprised? I was. 

How do you think they'll react when Delilah tells them the deal? 

Picture of Mason on the side :)

Comment/vote/fan <3 

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