Back at home

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~two weeks later~
Lilly and I could go home two weeks ago and she is absolut amazing. She is such a good baby who only cries when she is hungry or wants to be held. My mom is an amazing grandmother and spends every time she can with her. Caleb comes back in four weeks and I'm really nervous. Just as I want to sleep again Lilly cries. I pick her up and feed her then she is back asleep.
"Goodnight beautiful. I love you." I kiss her and walk back in bed again.

~in the morning~
I wake up to Lilly's cries and go and get her.
"Morning baby girl. Have you had a good sleep?" I feed Lilly and then lay her back into the bed and walk into the kitchen where I see my mom making breakfast.
"Morning mom."
"Morning Hanna. Where is Lilly?"
"Sleeping upstairs." She nods and we eat breakfast together and talk.
"What are you doing today Hanna?"
"Hanna, Emily and Aria are coming over later I think. You?"
"I have alot work to do so I'm coming home around 6 p.m." I nod and walk upstairs to get changed. After I'm changed I cuddle with Lilly but then my phone rings and I see that it is Caleb.
'Caleb hi.'
'Hi baby.'
'Everything alright with your mom?'
'Yeah. That's why I'm calling. I'm coming home tomorrow.'
'Aren't you exited?'
'Then I'm seeing you tomorrow.'
'Alright. Bye.' I put the phone away and go into my bed. I'm not ready that he comes home tomorrow. I wasn't prepared for that. I thought that he will come back in four weeks and that I have more time to think how I am going to tell him about Lilly. But I think we will see how Caleb is going to react.

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