Meeting Alec

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After awhile of staring at a blank word document Alec sighed and shut his computer. He knew his history teacher would be disappointed with his lack of an essay in the morning, so would he. But his mind just wouldnt focus. She was on his mind. Her, The Green eyed girl he came to know as his best friend.

Truth is she was on his mind non-stop lately. He didnt know why. All Alec knew was that he couldnt wait till this friday. He would  whisk her away to her favourite thing in the whole wide world (concerts) and her favourite band Marianas Trench.

He knew he felt something more than friendship between them and he knew they didnt look bad as a couple. Alec had short brown hair with bright blue eyes. He was fit but not overly so. Not very athletic but he got most of his workouts working at his grandfathers farm during the summer. It was winter now and his once tanned sking was now very pale and his hair seemed to get darker. He didnt mind though, he knew the whole emo look went well with chicks now a days. Even though he wasnt emo. 

A violent shiver shook through Alec body and for the first time he realized his window was wide open. He walked over and shut it. Then he just stood ther for what seemed like ages. He just stared at the streetlights that ran along the side of the street.

He could picture her in his mind with her black sports jacket with the white stripe around her waist. Her Black skinny jeans and red converse shoes (one pair of many) Laughing and chatting around the small bonfire they had earlier that night.

Her red hair had reminded him of the fire.  He laughed and threw a snowball at her. It busted as it hit her in the shoulder. She Gasped and then looked Alec dead in the eye and ran. She ran at him full force, which frietened Alec. She smiled her trademark smile before tackling alec to the ground. With her hair slightly in her face and the light of the flames dancing on her skin, Alec had never seen her so beautiful. They just layed in the snow and laughed. They looked at the stars and talked. He couldnt have asked for a more perfect night. It was all over to soon. 

Playing back the nights events made him smile and forget about the grouling paper he still had to write. He wanted to write, but not an essay. He sat down on his bed and grabbed his guitar from its place beside his bed. He began strumming. That night he wrote a beautiful song about a beautiful girl with green eyes. 


End of Chapter 2-Meeting Miya

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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