"Is the mansion okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... it looks like a very friendly neighbourhood. I'm sure April will love it here."

"Good. I will be there in half an hour"
He said.

"See you then.."she said but not hanging up the phone.

Chris knew what was coming next so he immediately cut the call. He doesn't want to deal with it right now.

As the cab he hired took the left into the neighbourhood he was staying for next month. He saw a woman running frantically as if searching for something or someone. Chris felt as if he knew her.

"Stop the car" he ordered. He followed the woman, she slowed down. Chris saw a small boy sleeping on the bench. And the woman slowly walking towards him, she hugged the boy tight placing butterfly kisses all over his face. Chris stopped in his tracks. As the wind blew her hair fell on her face which she brushed off immediately revealing her face.

Sharon. His Sharon.

"Sharon" he called out fearing if
his eyes are playing him.

She turned towards him with the boy still in her arms.

Her eyes were wide for a second and there was untraceable emotions swirled.

"Sharon..." a man called from the other side of the road. He just got down his Car.

But neither Sharon nor Chris eyes left each other.

"You found him." The new man who turned out to be Joe asked.

Sharon stood motionless. How could she move. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hey.... it's okay. You found him. Stop crying." Joe said giving her a warm hug.

But he pulled apart to see her eyes were looking  at something or someone behind him. He turned around to see a Man standing pure rage in his eyes.

"Sharon do you know him?"

As if someone pulling out of a trans, Sharon startled. She stood there breathing in deep. "No" she mumbled.

Joe turned towards Chris "Excuse me.. you want something? " he asked politely.

Chris stood in the same place. His eyes never leaving Sharon.

"Sharon! You found him" cried another voice.

Sharon just nodded her head and was about to go when she heard Chris call out " Sharon."

Sharon turned towards Chris and said "Do not take my name"

Chris could easily note the bitterness in her voice. Joe was a bit surprised to hear her, Sharon is the most calm and kind person anyone can ever meet.

Sharon turned around walking towards her house when she heard someone call ," Chris, up here!"  Everyone in the place turned towards the source.

Sharon breathing was suddenly caught up, Obviously! They are together.  "Savvy let's go" Sharon snapped.

Chris attention  turned back to het "Sharon.. we need to talk"

"No.. we don't." Sharon snapped again causing Chase to startle in her arms.
Sharon felt calm suddenly and she rocked him back to sleep.

Chris saw the kid in her arms She had someone? He thought. How can she?
'You don't get to judge' a part of his brain said. He noticed  the man who still had an arm around Sharon, May be the father of her other child.

"Sharon Momo is worried. I think we should tell her. The park.... "

"Lets go Savvy and you..." she said turning towards Chris "stay away."

Ex- husband and babiesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat