Chapter 13: Plane Ride

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I sat on the plane in the middle of Emma and Chris. Emma begged for the window seat. She was so excited. Her big blue eyes were locked with the window staring put waiting for the plane to start moving. It was Emma's second time on a plane. I had brought my lap top and a few of Emma's favorite movies so if she got bored she could watch movies. She really likes Chris's movies. Her favorite Superhero is Cap. Emma put on Chris's large headphones which looked like were about to slide off her face. I couldn't help but laugh. I set up the Avengers DVD on the computer and as soon as it started her eyes locked onto the screen. I can see her becoming an actress or director in the future. Chris said she could probably get into acting at her age. Movies like having kids in them because it's funny when kids do something comical. Emma's face lit up when he said about acting. I said maybe when she was 4 or 5 so then she could read the script better. She isn't the best reader. Chris had told me that they'd be finished with Emma's bedroom by the time we got to the house. Chris said that Emma would be excited to meet his friends. Aka the Avengers cast! Emma hadn't heard us, thankfully. She'd probably scream once she saw RDJ. Her second favorite character is Loki. And then Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk and the Black Widow. Emma likes the Black Widow because she's the only girl on the team. Chris told me that Scarlet Witch is on the team as well but he can't tell Emma that because she'll be upset at him for spoiling it for him. She doesn't like it when someone spoils a movie for her. She gets in this grumpy mood and doesn't talk to the person for about 5 minutes before saying sorry. It's funny for awhile until it gets annoying. That's why I tend not to spoil any for her.
"So you excited?" Chris asked smiling as he took my hand in his.
"I'm really excited" I said smiling widely as Chris planted a small gentle, loving kiss on my cheek. Emma will be happy to be in LA again. She loves LA, "we should take Emma to the beach someday."
"Of course!" Chris said happily as a girl maybe 13 or 12 walked over with a piece of paper and her phone.
"Are you Chris Evans?" She asked smiling showing off her braces. She reminded me of myself when I was her age. She had long brown hair and green eyes with glasses. She was maybe 5,2.
"Yes I am" Chris said smiling.
"C-can you s-sign this for m-me?" She asked holding out her paper for him. She smiled at me, "hi."
"Hi" I said.
"Sure. What's your name?" Chris asked taking out a pen.
"D-Dylan" she stuttered nervously. Chris signed the paper in his beautiful hand writing.
For Dylan: Make your dreams come true! ~ love, Chris Evans :) She smiled widely when he handed the paper back to her.
"T-thank you" she said.
"Have a nice day, Dylan" Chris said as she slowly walked to back her seat with the happiest face.
"She reminds me of myself" I said smiling.
"Oh gosh! She does" Chris said with the biggest smile. Chris took put his phone and turned it on. I couldn't help but smile at his screen saver. It was a picture of me, him and Emma in the snow playing. Emma was on his shoulders and I was hugging him. We got Scott to take the picture. Then his home screen is a picture of his dog East. His dog died back in 2013. I told Chris about my acting career how I was in a few movies and I also tried for my singing career. Chris use to tell me in highschool that I should become a singer. I actually have been working on a ton of songs. My manager has texted me about some stuff. Movie scripts. There was one with Chris on here! I had to show him. He couldn't help but smile and say I should do a movie with him. I was really excited to get to LA. I decided to past the time by taking a nap.

"You should be a singer" Chris said as we walked down the street from school. Another day of 10th grade. I was singing Part of Your World from the Little Mermaid. Me, Chris, and Scott went to go see that when it came into theaters. Alice was getting her stuff ready for college. I was gonna miss my big sister. Scott walked on the other side of me on the side walk kicking a stone across the cement. Emily was in 12th grade and ready to graduate.
"Nope" I said.
"Yes" Chris said.
"NO!" I said.
"YES!" Chris said hugging me.
"We could create a band" Scott said.
"Nope. I can't do that" I said laughing.
"But you're good at playing the guitar" Chris said.
"So are you!" I poked his chest.
"Piano is my strong skill" Chris said smiling.
"You could be the tap dancer" Scott said.
"We all could be tap dancers" I said taking my skateboard from my bag and putting it onto the ground. It rolled away for a second before I ran and started skating. I tried to teach Scott how to skate before but he fell onto his butt. I'm basically a tomboy. Chris and me always have water balloon wars. We climb up trees like monkeys. Ride bikes through town. Lisa and my mom can't keep track of me and Chris. Plus we were going to be doing a play at school. Into The Woods. I was playing as Red Ridding Hood and Chris was playing as Jack. I loved hearing him sing. In our free time we would ride our bikes to the library or the pastry shop in town. I loved their chocolate chip cookies! But Lisa makes better ones.
"Riley! Wait up!" Chris and Scott called running after me. Both of them were taller and older than me. Scott isn't really older than me. We aren't that far apart. I guess my mom and Lisa timed the births. Me and Scott always make fun of each other because of how our birthdays are on the same day. So we'd have our birthday together. I slowed down a bit and picked up my skateboard waiting for the two idiots.
"Keep up!" I said smiling as I tucked the board under my arm.
"Whatever, SnowWhite!" Scott said. My nickname has always been SnowWhite. Scott calls me that because he said that if I had black hair I could play SnowWhite in a play or movie.

"Riley? Wake up. We're here" Chris said shaking me awake as Emma put the computer away. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window seeing that we were at the Airport in LA. We're back!

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