"CAGED" Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

 “Uuuuuuhhh!” I moan and left my mouth hanging open.

My knees cannot support my body anymore. I slide down slowly, noticing my difficulty , he held me back up.

 My body started to grow hot like a flame fueled by pleasure and to my astonishment I felt a bulge inside my zipper.


You’ve got to be kidding me!

“I said s-stop i-it!”

 I anxiously shouted, now I’m really scared from my body’s reaction. Why on earth is my body betraying me!

Finally, he stop sucking on my now aroused pinkish nipple and look up above me.

“You’re telling me to stop yet  you’re body is telling me to give you more?”

He naughtily raised his brow and gaze at me sarcastically.

“What are you saying you pervert!” I said angrily as I struggle to hide my blushing.

“Whose pervert now? You’re body is telling me otherwise.” He answered and grip my aroused manhood.

“Don’t you dare touch me! You have no right to do this to me!” I shouted , I knew that my whole face is all red now, now that he found out that I was taken by his stupid pranks.

“Really? But I think these here, needs my touch”

His hands expertly unzipped my pants and touch my manhood. I automatically reacted and felt my stomach is starting to feel really weird.

 “No! Get you’re hands off!” I shouted nervously.


I gasped loudly as he stroke the tip of my manhood. He strokes it up and down making me lose my mind.

“No! Aah! Stop it!” I said in between my breaths. I tilted my head up like am about to faint.


“Aaaahh”  I moan again and again as I arched my body. I’m feeling really weird now.

I hung my mouth open gasping for air, but he savagely kissed my mouth I suck harder from it as our tongue intertwined.

What on earth is happening! I can’t control by body anymore!

Finally, he released his tight grip from both of my arms that is now numb. Now is my chance to push him away and fight back my mind shouted. But my hand just fell beside my body, drained out of energy.

Now I know why he released my hands! He harshly grip my butt making me shiver.

This is really bad! What am I doing! I look like dumb! He must be laughing inside his head now.

Unfortunately, my body did not listen as he stroke my manhood faster making me dizzy.

“Please stop it!” I started begging now, but instead, he savagely claim my lips making me respond automatically with our breathing getting rougher and louder.

“I can’t t-take it anymore!” I shouted nervously.

“Please?” I begged as I felt a tear flow down my face. His expression became gentle as he saw my reaction.

“Put you’re arms around my neck” He gently commanded as he look me into the eye with a concerned face.

“Why should I!” I tried to fight back, I don’t want to look more stupid in front of him.

“It’ll make it easier for you” he replied.

I look beside me ignoring what he said making me look a hardheaded brat.

“Just hurry up and do it!” He commanded with a fierce gaze. I automatically followed him and put my arms around his neck making me feel awkward. But he’s right, it’s more easier with this position.

We started kissing again like there is no tomorrow.

“Uuuumm! A—aaah!” I moan as I felt that I’m almost at my limit.

“Please! Please!”

“Please what?”

“Huh? W-what?”

”Say take me.”

“What! Don’t joke! Why would I!?”

“Ah! What a hard headed kid!” He sigh and kiss me back again, this time gently.

I grab his hair, this new sensation for me is unbearable! I thought I might die.

He strokes my manhood even faster.

“Aaaaaaahhhh!” As I reached my orgasm, I felt my body shiver as I gasp for air.

Drained of energy, I saw his smiling face as he caressed my face and hugged me softly.

“Now, you’re mine”

I heard a voice.

Is this true? Or am I just hallucinating?

Before everything went blank, I felt him carry me, everything was so light and blurry as I lost conscious.


WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe i finally did it...pheeww!!!!!!....Im blusshing right now......

please dont throw harsh comments if you dont like it coz this is really my first time wrighting an erotic scene....whaaaaaaaaaa..(

VOTE,COMMENT BE A FAN if u like :)

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