addi p.o.v

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"Get up you ugly little brat" Madison Parks orders me.
I yawn and roll out of bed, ignoring Madison. Madison has been making my life a living hell since I got here 8 years ago. Then I hear Miss. Haleys voice over the P.A system "All girls ages 10 to 16 please report to the main play area" I brush my hair and put on my best outfit. My best outfit is a pair of skinny jeans, vans, and a Michael Jackson shirt. I start to walk out of the girls hall, but am tripped by madison and her ditzy blondes. I just get up and start walking again. I get down to the official play area and madison is sucking up to....MICHAEL JACKSON!!!! The minute he lays eyes on me, his face lights up. He walks right over.
Michael's p.o.v
When My agent Franklin tells me that i am going to be adopting a child I am overjoyed. I love kids. So I head over to Miss. Lilys home for girls. "Hello mam I am looking to adopt a little girl between the age of 10 and 16"
She smiles and points me into a little area. Pretty soon a bunch of girls come down. A little blonde girl with green eyes immediately walks up to me. I speak with her for a little while. Then I see a little girl sitting by herself in a corner. She is adorable, I want her. I am adopting her, if she wants me to anyway. I walk over to her. "Hello I'm Michael whats your name" she looks around for a bit. Then she says "Addi Williams" Then the little blonde girl Madison sneers " you dont want her, she is ugly, worthless, and a screw up" I see a tear fall from addis eye. " how dare u speak of my daughter that way, she is beautiful, and I love her" Addi smiles at me and asks "does that mean you want me" "yes I want you sweetheart, go pack you things" "yes sir" She runs upstairs, while I get the paper work to finalize the adoption. A few minutes later addi comes down with a paper sack. "Is this everything honey" " yes this is it"
Dunk will probably take her shopping sometimes, if not I will.
She has black hair like mine and brown eyes. She is beautiful. I take her to the limo, and within about 5 minutes she falls asleep leaning against my shoulder.
Addi p.O.v
I remember falling asleep on Michael Jacksons shoulder. Then I woke up in a king sized bed. I sat up, the whole room was black and red. My two favorite colors. A red cell phone sat on the bedside table with Addi on it. I picked it up, note was taped to it "Addi I hope u like ur room and everything in it I didn't want to wake you... love, daddy" I smiled love... I have never been loved. My mother had died when I was 4 and my aunt lily didn't want me. So, she took me to the orphanage. My father my mom never talked about...EVER. I look in the mirror, ugh my curls are coming back. I hate my natural curly hair. I open my closet and see it fully stocked with clothes. I decide to go explore. So I pull my hair up into a messy bun, and walk down stairs. I decide to look for michael. Suddenly I am at the top of 4 flights of stairs. I trip and fall all the way down" daddy" I scream as I fall. Michael appears almost immediately. He scoops me up" addi are u ok honey" " yeah I am fine but dang that hurt" " sweetheart do you wanna go get ice cream?" "Yes please daddy" I giggled
Michael p.o.v
I was sitting in the kitchen, eating an apple when I heard addi scream " daddy" at the top of her lungs. I dropped my Apple and ran toward her voice. Finally when I find her she has fall down four flights of stairs. I scoop her into my arms to make sure she is ok. Then I ask if she wants to go get ice cream. She does. As I expected paparazzi are everywhere. Addi and I go eat our ice cream and are surrounded by a sea of paparazzi. I lose sight of addi. Then I see a reporter running away.... with my daughter on his hip. I scream, and run for addi " ADDI BABY, GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF MY LITTLE GIRL". I finally catch up to him, snatching addi away and hugging her tight. She tells me her full name in the limo its Haddix lanee Williams. Then she falls asleep on my lap.

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