XVIII - Embracing the Pain

Start from the beginning

It all seemed so clear now, and he felt even more of a fool for not seeing it earlier. The uncharacteristic tenderness, the longing stares, the outpourings of emotion. There was only one person Shadow could ever feel that way for. The pain coalesced within him as he realised what he had to do.

"Saving me won't bring her back, Shadow! Accept it, Maria is dead!"

The words might well have been Sonic's hand slapping Shadow with all its strength; such was the look of shock on his face. The black hedgehog closed his eyes, his trembling subsiding until his body became completely still. When he opened his eyes again, his crimson stare glistened in the off-putting yellow light. Tears began to stream along his muzzle, and he stood staring into the distance, quietly sobbing.

The loudspeaker screeched to life again, shattering the silence of the room.

"Oh dear," it said in its twisted mockery, "has the mighty Shadow gone soft? Yet another life you've ruined, Sonic. You've turned the Ultimate Lifeform into the Ultimate Cry-baby. I hope you're satisfied."

Sonic leapt to his feet, pointing at the speaker with an accusing finger.

"Just who the fuck are you, buddy?" he snapped, "and why do you hate me so much?"

"I am the architect of your self-destruction, Sonic. I am the harbinger of inescapable fate. I am the Ultimate-"

A loud bang cut the voice off. A bolt of crimson lightning smashed into the speaker, ripping it from the wall in a screech of static.

"Windbag," said Shadow, wiping a tear away, "and you think that I'm arrogant?"

"Nice one, Shadow," said Sonic, lending him a half-smile which wasn't reciprocated.

"We seem to be at an impasse," said Shadow, his shoulders slumping, "it looks like neither of us can bring ourselves to press that button, but we can't just do nothing and let that robot army wreak havoc. So what do we do now?"

The gears of Sonic's mind whirred again; this time he saw the crimson bolt, and a vivid memory of the temple struck him, particularly the blue lightning of the cage that burned into his skin.

"I tell you what we won't do," said Sonic, eyes blazing with confidence, "we won't do what we're told. I choose door number three!" he paused for a moment, closing his eyes and feeling the air around him. He had sensed it when they had entered, only slightly. A low buzz that made his skin tingle.

"There's Chaos energy running through this whole place," he said, focusing on Shadow again, "I can feel it."

"Right..." said Shadow, obviously wary.

"Could someone with enough control over Chaos energy drain it completely, preventing it from hurting the people trapped inside?" Shadow looked at him like he'd suggested they chop their own heads off.

"The energy here is supercharged, Sonic," he said, "enough to kill hundreds in one stroke. Even if it could be absorbed, it would be too much for one person. They'd be vaporised by it."

"Okay, okay, I get that," said Sonic, placing a hand on Shadow's shoulder and looking him straight in the eyes, "but what about two people?"

Shadow hesitated, his mouth dropping open. Sonic could see the black hedgehog understood his intentions.

"You're insane, Faker," said Shadow.

"So tell me something I don't know," said Sonic, raising his eyebrows cheekily, "could it work though?" Shadow pondered for a moment, before gazing back towards him.

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