The capture

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British invasion of Shanghai.

December 8 2034

"Alpha to delta ...alpha to delta ..hello?"
Screamed tom on his nano-phone.

"Captain Xavier ...Captain please launch the micro satellite we have lost connection with team delta" ordered colonel Tom Grenidge.

As sweat trickled down his worried face, tom caught hold of the launchpad and the rocket- like structure whizzed past him.

Team delta was situated 2 km in the East . Tom was just wondering if anyone had destroyed the delta unit when Xavier called him. lines of fear began to form on Xavier's they saw the pictures on the monitor from the micro-satellite ;the sweat beads which where flowing like quite rivers before ,now had flooded their faces.The delta soldiers were lying lifeless on the ground with their rifles and eyes pointing towards endless.

Suddenly a rattle was heard from about 400 m away . Tom immediately understood the situation.

"It's an ambush !!! everyone take positions"shouted Tom.

A Fierce battle started between the Chinese soldiers and the British 1st infantry soldiers. Lt . Colonel armed up with two 5 m radius no smoke grenades,one stun bomb,Caracal ultimate edition pistol and a Mj 67 no recoil rifle.

The grenades created a deafening atmosphere in the battlefield.
Gunshots were converted into bullet holes in fractions of a second .Tom could sense that the rate of fire of the Chinese guns was high and they were not of the quality of made in china products usually sold in the markets.
The stun bomb and the grenades were proving ineffective .Tom was losing men so he had to decide fast. "counterattack is the only way I can save men"Tom thought.

"Charge " shouted tom which proved to be one of the worst decisions taken in his life. The Chinese mud soaked their feet as efficiently as it absorbed water,As a result the speed of our soldiers reduced . The Chinese also had automatic human eliminating laser rifles (ahelr)
Hidden in the bushes and most of Tom's squad mates became targets of it as the laser beams flew into the air and struck them like an eagle who spots it's prey. The bullets and beams nearly missed tom as he kept shooting at them until he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder and blacked out for what seemed like forever.

Hi guys this is my new book I hope u like it . Please vote or comment as your one like and few words would motivate me a lot to continue this story

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