It feels good to have someone like Jack around.


Jack put the last bandage around my cut. "There you go! Did I wrap it too tight?" Jack asked.

"No, but how did you know to do all of this?" I questioned. Jack immediately came home, and bandaged my cut. He even had all of the creams and whatever else he needed to help it heal fast. He also wore this weird nurse getup for some odd reason...I didn't question it though, because it turned me on a bit.

"I had to take a shit ton of science classes last year, remember?" He said taking off his gloves, "Anyways, I learned about the do's and dont's of healing a cut, and for some odd reason I still remember it to this day." He sat next to me on the bed, making me sit up.

"Aw, I love it when you get all informational." I smiled at him.

"Zack," Jack spoke lowly. "Don't say that."

"Whatever, you know you love it." I replied, earning an eye roll from Jack.

"So, what are you going to do about school tomorrow, since I'm not gonna be there?" I asked Jack. I could barely sit up, let alone walk all day.

"I-I'm not going." Jack stuttered, "I can't go without you. I-I'm scared of Alex." He laid his head on my shoulder, and started playing with my fingers.

"Jack, you've missed way too many days; you have to go. Oh, and by the way, Mr. Dawson wanted to talk to you as soon as you got back." I informed him.

"But what if Alex attacks me again?" Jacked looked up at me with those brown eyes what win me over every time.

"Don't worry, I have a plan to make sure Alex doesn't show up at school tomorrow." I kissed him, which made him smile and giggle a bit afterwards.

"Fine, I'll go to school tomorrow." He laid back on my shoulder, laughing.

"Get all of my make up work for me too, I need to stay on the honor roll." I asked.

"Zack, you're such a nerd."

"Shutup." I chuckled.

"Make me." He replied in a sarcastic tone.

I kept looking at the nurse suit he had on, which was distracting me. "I really want to rip that outfit off of you." I whispered next to him.

He shot his head up, raising an eyebrow at me. "Zack you just got impaled by a knife. You can wait a few." Jack moved my hand from his thigh, making me pout.

"A few...minutes?" I asked, biting down on his shoulder, trying to make him give in.


"What? I'm not doing anything?" I whispered in his ear, kissing behind it after.

"Well, I g-guess I'm s-sleeping on the couch tonight." Jack stuttered out, moving away from me, getting off of the bed.

"Jacky! Don't leave me!" I pouted again.

"Zack, you have to heal. I'll be on the couch if you need me. I'm going to change; goodnight." He kissed my cheek, and went to go change. I sighed and decided to just go to sleep. I couldn't even move much, since my chest ached every time I tried to. I started to think of peaceful things, which eventually drifted me to sleep.


Okayy I may have lied about a short hiatus I was going to take; I just really hated leaving you guys on a cliffhanger.

so after THIS chapter, I am going to be on a month-wide break. whoops.

Sorry this chapter is a bit rushed, I just really wanted to add some merrikat action in here somewhere; this IS a merrikat fic after all and you guys deserve it.

Also, I know I said this book was going to have only around 20 chapters, but I thought about adding some familiar characters in the story later (wink wink), so this book is extended to more than 40 chapters. :))

important question for later in the story...who tops in merrikat? I always thought Zack did but apparently some idiots (I meant people) think Jack does. It's up to you guys, though it's sort of obvious who does.

stay sweg


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