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"Harry, my love, what would you like for dinner?" Mum asks, smiling a little as I set down my book.

"A salad, please. Thank you, mummy. I love you. What are you having?" I look up at her from glancing down at the pages of my book. She looks lovely today.

She smiles, and pats my cheek gently. "I love you too, baby. I'm having some pasta. Would you like any?"

"No, thanks. I'll stick with my salad. I'm making chia pudding for dessert, would you like any of that? It's really very good."

"Sure. Now, I hope you don't mind, love, but I've invited Niall and Maura over for dinner. Is that alright?" She smiles again, but I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Mum, I wish you'd have asked me. I don't like last minute plans, you know that." I pinch the bridge of my nose lightly, and feel my jaw clench automatically.

"Harry, I know, but you haven't seen Niall in a while and he's a good friend. I could use a good laugh with Maura, so can you just find a way to make this work? Please?" She looks pleading, and I know she's been sad lately, so I nod. She hugs me tightly, and rubs my back a little. "Great. Now, will you help me set the table? Niall and Maura ought to be here in a little while."

"Yes, of course. Shall we use the fancy porcelain set Gran gave you last Christmas?"

Mum smiles, and holds me at arms distance, but doesn't let go of me. "Sure, baby. Will you go get it? It should be-"

"In the bottom left hand cabinet. Mum, I know my way around our kitchen, don't worry." I smile at her, and head into the kitchen to get the china. "Would you like me to start boiling some water for pasta?"

"Yes, darling, thank you."

I fill a pot with water and a dash of salt, and set it on the stove to heat. I grab four of each of Mum's special plates, and work on setting the table. I'm a little bit worried about seeing Niall. What if he's decided he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?

That would be too bad. That isn't very likely, though. Niall somehow manages to be friends with everyone he knows, all the time. I once saw him go directly from one friend's house to another's. That would be far too much for me. He's a people person though, and I am not. That's a good thing, though. That I'm not a people person. It would be rather exhausting if I were.

I finish up setting the table, and set out wine glasses for all of us. Occasionally, mum will let me have some wine. Maura always lets Niall have wine. "Harry, love, I think they're here. Will you answer the door?"

I head over to the door and peer through the peephole. Sure enough, Niall and Maura are waiting patiently on the stoop. I open the door and smile. "Hi. Come in."

Maura smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek, and brings her bottle of wine into the kitchen to find Mum. Niall grins widely at me, and claps me on the back. "Hiya, Harry. How've you been?"

I flinch a little, and nod. "I've been good, I suppose. How are you, Niall?"

"Oh, I'm great! I've met a few people you'd like. We're all goin' to a little party tomorrow night, would you care to join? You could spend the night at mine if you'd like."

"Uhhh... I'm not sure. Niall, you know I'm not big on parties. They're quite crowded. And loud. I don't understand what it is about today's youth that requires everything to experienced at full volume." I furrow my brows, and think on it for a second.

Niall chuckles and pats my shoulder. "Yeah, you're not quite like today's youth, are you? You're different."

I must say, I've heard that many times. From cloying grans and great-aunts, to peers who simply don't understand my thinking. "Yes-"

"I like it. You're fun to be around, Haz." Niall grins at me, and keeps his hand on my shoulder. I blush, and look down at my mismatched socks.

Just as I open my mouth to thank Niall, mum calls, "Come to dinner, boys!"

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