The Ice Cream Truck

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I Scream
You Scream
We All Scream
For Ice Cream

Chapter One

Once upon a time there was a little boy with light brown hair and clear blue eyes. He was ten years old and lived in a small village in a small house. The boys name was Archer and he lived alone with his dog in the house. No one knew there were no parents to the boy, because he told everyone that they were out of town for a while, that they were sick or that they just sent him to do something for them. And everyone belived him.
Lately in the town there had been a mysterious magical monster going around in the village, once a week. Every Monday it came with big wheels, destroying the ground and playing a song that people saw as something bad. At the front there was some kind of invisible wall and behind the wall, there was a silver man. Or, it wasn't a man, it was a creature sent from the devil.
The big monster was indestructible so the people in the village didn't dare to do
anything about it.
The most strange thing about it was that the monster sometimes stopped, and if you came near you could hear the silver man saying "Do you want ice cream?" And if you answered yes the man came out and gave you a big box full of something extremely sweet and cold.
The children in the village discovered that they loved the so called "ice cream" and sometimes they ran after the monster when their parents didn't watch and then they never came
back again.
The people in the village after a while opened a little "help company". It was decided that every week two strong men were meant to follow the monster and see what they could to to stop it. But, the men didn't came back either so the people stopped sending the men. But the kids still wanted more ice cream so at last there were almost no children left in the village.

Archer one day thought "Why don't I go after the monster? I have nothing to lose any way. I want to help!" So, the next time the monster came to the village he went after it.
After a long walk Archer arrived to a giant mountain, and the monster drove in through a little hole at the stone wall.
He followed the magical monster in to a big cave. In the cave there were never-ending lines of identical monsters as the one Archer was following. The monster went in between a couple of other monsters and dissapeared. Archer was very confused and didn't know what to do, so he just started to walk around to see what happened.
He had no idea of what was happening, and he felt so lost that he, at first, didn't even notice the mountain of bones that was ahead of him.
There was an endless pile of bones, and when he took a closer look, he could see that it was bones from humans. He didn't know what to do. He just stood there, paralysed, and then he felt the panic grow inside of him. It became so much that he couldn't control it so he just ran, nowhere and everywhere. But, however far he was running, it seemed like he couldn't find the way out. Then he turned, and ran into something, or someone. It was one of the silver men.

Archer panicked and wanted to run away, but his feet was suddenly too heavy so he couldn't.
The silver man didn't do anything, so Archer thought that if he backed off quietly, maybe he could be able to escape. So he started to go backwards, slowly. When he turned around to run he felt a cold and hard hand on his shoulder. He immediately stopped and when he turned back he stared into a pair of lifeless eyes. He screamed.

The silver man dragged him over the floor. After a while Archer forgot for how long they had been going around, but at last they stopped.
They were standing ahead of a strange door that opened by itself when they came near. The
boy and the silver man walked in to a room full of people and a lots of stuff made of the hard and silvery material. There were lights and sounds and all kinds of colours everywhere.
One of the persons - a woman with shiny blond hair, a tight blue jacket and a pair of matching trousers came towards the boy.
She said something to the silver man and it released Archers arm.
-Well hello there! she said. Archer didn't say anything so they just stood there for a moment with the awkward silence hanging in the air between them.
-Do you know what we do here? she asked him. Archer still didn't answer so another awkward-silence-moment passed.
-We make ice cream here, she said with some kind of creepy voice.
-I guess you saw our fine collection in the garage? You know, that's what the ice cream is made of. Human meat. It's smart, huh? We just travel back in time and make people come here so we can make ice cream out of them. Then we send the ice cream back to our time and sell it.
She turned to the silver man and said:
-Take him to the prison. Archer noticed that she didn't even care about it. She was a heartless person that sent children to their death without any second thoughts.

The cell was dark and cold. There was a little shining ball in the ceiling, but it didn't light up the whole cell. Archer sat in one of the corners, watching the little girl he shared his cell with, while she cried.
When he entered the cell the first time, she had only looked up at his face while he walked in and sat down on the wet floor. Then she just kept on crying. At last she stoped.
After some time Archer accepted that he was going to die. He had no idea for how long they had been there but one day - or night, one of the silver men came in to the cell, and grabbed the little girl. She didn't even fight for her life, she just stood up, and followed it out. Archer thought that it was sad, but then he realised that if their roles had been turned, he wouldn't fight either. So, he calmly sat down again and started waiting for a silver man to come get him.
Eventually a silver man came so Archer stood up. He noticed a strange mark at one of the silver mans arms, but he ignored it.
 When the silver man was going to grab him, it just stopped in the middle of a move. Archer got confused, and then he saw the open door so he took a chance and sneaked out. He had no idea where the way out was, so he went to the room where the woman in blue clothes had been. When he came to the door, he noticed something he hadn't noticed before. It was a label next to the door that said; "Control Room". He had no idea what it meant so instead of trying to figure it out he entered the room.
In the so called "Control Room" there were no people left. Archer just thought "what a lucky day!" And went further in to the room just to look at everything. Suddenly he heard a strange noise behind him, and he quickly turned around. It was the same silver man as the one that earlier tried to grab him in the cell. He knew that because he recognised the mark on the arm. When the silver man tried to grab him one more time, Archer dodged. He ran, as fast as his bones could take him out of the control room. He got out to the "Garage" and then he hid behind one of the monsters. There he stopped, observing the place, but he couldn't see anything. Then he felt the silver mans cold hand on his shoulder. In that second, the little of the hope he still had left, all ran out
-Take me, he said to the silver man with an exhausted look on his face.
The silver man lead him through a lots of tunnels and corridors and Archer after a while had no idea of where they were.

Then they went through a strange door and came in to a dark, cold and long corridor. At the end there was a thick door with a big yellow label on it. It said "Processing Central". The silver man pressed a few buttons on a little thing at the side of the door and it opened. They entered the Processing central and walked almost all the way through it but Archer had closed his eyes, so he didn't see what was around him.
Then they stopped and Archer opened his eyes again. In front of him there was a big, grey cylinder with a little door. He suggested that he was meant to go inside, so he did. Now it was time for the ten years old boy Archer to die.
At the floor there was a painting of foot marks so he put his feet on them. Two shiny knifes came out from the walls and started to spin around him. They came closer and eventually they started to cut his clothes of. He was freezing. The knifes started to peel of his skin, slowly. He screamed. When his whole body was bleeding he realised that he regret it all. He thought; "I don't want to die!"
 And that was Archers last thought before he passed away.

I Scream
You Scream
We All Scream
For Ice Cream

The Ice Cream TruckWhere stories live. Discover now