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During the party, Sasuke was very reluctant to blow out the candles in front of everyone and blushed a bit when it was over. Of course, Naruto started teasing him about his red face after that.
When everyone else chatted with each other and played games, like Twister and all that, Sasuke stepped out from the back door and sat on the edge of the back porch.
"Ah, Sasuke, you're here, too?"
Upon hearing his name, he turned to find [name] behind him, walking through and sitting next to him.
"Happy Birthday, Sasuke."
"How rude, didn't you know that I was the one who planned all of this?"
That made Sasuke look over in surprise, though he did a bad of job of expressing it.
"You planned all this?"
"Wait. How did you guys even get into my house?"
"I stole a spare from under your carpet."
"But don't worry, I put it back in it's original place."
And in a moment, [name] was whirled around, and a pair of soft lips rested on her open ones. Without a word, Sasuke slipped his tongue inside and caught a taste of [name]'s tongue. Knowing that she might be surprised, he pulled back and stared into her eyes.
[name] was too caught back that all she could do was look down with apple cheeks.
"Hn. Thanks for the present, [name]."
And Sasuke shrugged an arm around [name] before he lead her back to the living room, smirking triumphantly as the looks of Sakura and Ino nearly damaged the house.

[Sasuke x Reader] A Wonderful GiftWhere stories live. Discover now