chapter 5

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I woke up in shock because the baby was crying next to me. then I looked at my clock and it was 4:30am. I got up but I was still asleep so I couldn't see much. I rubbed my eyes and turned on my bedroom light. It was so bright I tripped over my slippers.. I was now awake. But instead of the baby crying. She was laughing.. I got up and sat on my bed, next to the cot.. I looked in the baby's eyes. And I realised that this baby makes me feel......well not alone.... I could call this baby my own but my "gift giver" is probably going to take it away. Just as I said that, the doorbell went off.. I walked to the door. But it was so dark I couldn't see anything... I walked back to my room and got my flashlight that I keep in my draw.. I walked to the front door... when I opened it up I didn't see a package, I just saw a note. It read " u can keep the baby, the truth is I found this baby at the adoption center and she looked like u. She might be adopted but she is now yours, I know your young but u are very intelligent and I know u will handle having a child, enjoy your baby girl and don't forget to give her a name ---your gift giver--- as I read the note I remember I had my dancing competition today!!! But I was so happy I got a baby girl I wanted a baby ever since I played with my dolls when I was smaller.. I loved this baby so much.. I ran to my room to look at my clock and it said the time was 5:15am I jumped as I realised I needed to start getting ready because the competition starts at 6:20am. But I needed to look online for a baby sitter.  I forgot about getting ready and ordered a baby sitter. I went back to my room and I had 30 minutes to get ready and do my make up. I started getting ready and I finished in time. I had 20 minutes to get there. I heard the doorbell go off, that must be the babysitter I thought to myself... I answered the door and invited the baby sitter inside. I told her all the rules and what to do with my baby. I then left in a hurry.... I arrived at the dancing studio with 15minutes to spare.. I started practicing the dance.. but as I was practicing I saw chelsy dancing in the corner.. I went up to chelsy and said hi. She said hi back and we started to practice together......The teacher arrived  and the competition started in 5minutes.....We all stood on the stage practicing while the curtain was closed.. but ee heard the judge call our teams name. The curtain slowly opened and I saw millions of faces. But then to my huge suprise I saw my babysitter holding my baby and smiling at me.. my eyes filled with tears as I smiled back............... We finished our competition and we were waiting in the dancing room. The judge walked in each dance room to say what the news was. He walked in our room and we all stopped breathing. He told us that we were the winners and gave us the trophy. I was speechless because he gave the trophie to me. I asked why and he said I was the best dancer on the stage. I said thanks and left to go greet the babysitter and my baby.. "hi" Grace I said to the babysitter and she said "hi" back. She gave me my baby back and I went home... as soon as I git home I started thinking of a name for my baby. I looked at the baby for hours and then I thought of the perfect name for her. Gaby, I said. I looked at the baby and gave her a kiss on the head. It had been a long day so I went to bed. Knowing that I had a baby. I could call her my daughter.. I layed on my bed and fell asleep.......

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