I love you Mickinnon

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Sirius's point of view:
It was the day after the attack and Marlene was still in the hospital wing. We had went to visit her last night. The hospital wing had been filled with wounded students and their friends. Parents  came and cried over the bodies of their dead children.
If I had been killed, would my parents even care?

We stayed by Marlene's bed until dinner. I couldn't sleep that night. I couldn't stop thinking about Marlene, her smile, her eyes, her laugh, what she said to me.
"I love you Black."
Thinking about made me smile for the first time all day. Then I decided what I had to do. I ran downstairs to the hospital wing. I snuck inside and drew the curtains around Marlene's bed. I sat down in the chair beside her. I heard footsteps.
"Headmaster Dumbledore." Professor Magonigal said.
"Hello Minerva." Dumbledore said.
"Many parents what their children to come home. Can't say I blame them." Magonigal said.
"Indeed. We are at war. I would like to propose an idea Minerva."
"What is it Albus?"
"We cannot defeat Voldemort alone, therefore we form an alliance, The Order of the Phoenix."
"Of course I will join." Magonigal said.
"Wonderful. If you will excuse me I must attend a meeting regarding the attack." Dumbledore said.
I heard footsteps and the closing.
I kissed Marlene's forehead and ran to tell everyone about the Order of the Phoenix.

Marlene's point of view:
I woke up, but I wasn't in the dormitory. A cloud of sleep still hung over me.
"She's awake!" Alice gasped.
I was in the hospital wing. Memories of the attack came flooding back. There was a bandage on my stomach were the curse hit. Lily and Alice hugged me.
"How are you?"
"How do you feel?"
"For heavens sake give don't strangle the girl!" Madam Pomfry said.
"Good evening Poppy!" James said.
Madam Pomfry sighed. She looked stressed, there dark circles around her eyes.
"Hey Mickinnon." Sirius said with his usual smirk. They way he looked at me made my heart flutter.
"Hey Black." I said smiling. I studied his face, his strong jaw, his grey eyes.
Alice giggled and whispered something to Lily.
"Mrs. Mickinnon you may go back to the common room with your friends." Madam Pomfry said.

Back in the common room Sirius told everyone about the order of the Phoenix.
"We should all join!" James said.
"We could be killed!" Peter said.
"We'll just have to be brave." James said.
We all decided to go to Dumbledore and join the order. We stayed up talking late into the the night. Sirius rapped an arm around my shoulders. I stared into the dancing orange and red flames of the fireplace. There was a war going on, but I felt safe, with my friends with Sirius. One by one everyone went up to bed, except Sirius.
"Mickinnon?" He asked softy.
"Yes Black?" I replied.
"I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you this. I've never felt the way I feel with you. I love you Mickinnon." He said.
My heart was bursting with joy and love. It was hard for him to say that, he didn't like to put his feelings out there. I know he meant it.
I kissed him passionately. Our tongues and lips moved to the steady rhythm of our heart beats. I tugged on his shirt and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Wake up Lovebirds!" Someone said a sing voice.
I opened my eyes. Lily, Alice, James, Peter and Remus were standing over me. Blinding sunlight shown through the windows. It was morning. Sirius was asleep with his arms rapped around me tightly, as if I would disappear if he let go. 

James's point of view:
It was snowing. We all decided to go for a walk.
"I think the lake is frozen." I said. I stepped onto the ice.
"Be careful." Lily said. She was worried about me.
I slipped and fell on my back.
"James!" Lily screamed. I lay on my back, unhurt, and closed my eyes.
"James!" Lily said with panic in her voice. She took my hand and squeezed.
I opened my eyes. "Hey Evans." I said grinning.
"You scared me!" She exclaimed. She hit my arm.
I picked up some snow and shaped it into a heart. I held it out to Lily.
"For you." I said. "You have my heart."
"Stop being sweet I'm mad at you!" She said. We both started laughing. When she laughed her green eyes got even brighter.
I stood up and held out a hand to Lily. She took it. As we walk on the ice he leaned her head on my shoulder. Her soft red hair brushed against my cheek.
"There's something I need to ask you." Lily said.
"Anything." I replied. I would do anything for Lily. I'm in love with her.
"I had a good time when we went to the three broomsticks and I was wondering if you'd like to do something like that again." She said.
"Lily Evans, are you asking me out on a second date?" I asked smiling wider than I thought was humanly possible.
"I am." Lily said confidently.
"I'd love to." I said before kissing her.

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