I did not know what to say. I hoped Obuike would get better; I wanted him to live. He was a good person after all.

'My daughter, I cannot even bear to watch him suffer. There is nothing more painful than a mother watching her child die. Oroma, this is what you must do. You must go to the palace each day and give him the medicinal herbs I would give to you. Treat him as best as I have taught you and always report back to me on the progress his health is making.'

I nodded. I really wanted to see him and hoped against hope that Obuike would not look as bad as I imagined.

* * * * * *

The following day, I went to the palace - she had given me directions and I had asked around when I got confused. When I had got to the palace, I explained to the guards that I was the slave of Aunty Nwibari the native healer and that she had sent me to give the kings some herbs. They had not only let me in, but had also taken me to his chamber. There were two guards when we got there. After I had also explained to them, they let me in.

His room was neat but stuffy and dimly-lit. I pulled wider the curtain to let in more air and light. I saw him shiver a little. He lay on his mat and I sat down beside him. He looked peaceful as he slept but he was just as Aunty Nwibari had described. I placed my hand on his neck, it was very hot. I knew I had to feed him but I wondered how I would do it.

'Obuike, it is Oroma. Please try and take your herbs,' I whispered into his ears.

He did not move a muscle or make a sound. I was getting worried. I brought close to his nose, a hot herbal concoction. I hoped that at least he would breathe it in and feel better.

'Chokike please help me,' I prayed under my breath.

After some time, I tried feeding him. I was able to make him eat but after some time, his tightly shut mouth said that he did not want to eat any more. I spent the rest of the day, covering him when he shivered, fanning him, often placing on him some hot compress, tried giving him food and some medicinal herbs until dusk finally arrived. Packing all that I came with, I whispered into his ear, 'Obuike, get better. Chokike would heal you so do not be afraid. I will come back tomorrow. May the day break.'

I left his chambers and the guards nodded at me as I left. I was so deep in thought worrying about the health of Obuike that I bumped into somebody. It was a male slave, I could tell from his dressing, but it was not just any male slave, it was Wami. He too had just realised whom he had bumped into.

'Wami!' I exclaimed happy at seeing him.

'Shh!'' he hushed dragging me into a hidden corner.

'Oroma, I have missed you.' He said giving me a tight embrace.

I hugged him back tightly. 'Me too.'

He released me.

'What are you doing here?' I asked immediately.

'I was brought here as a slave,' he said flatly, 'Some other boys and I are under training. They want to train us as warriors to fight for this land. What about you?'

'I was sent here to help nurse the king back to life,' I said without a second thought.

Wami gaped at me with surprise.

'I have a mistress,' I hurriedly explained after realising what I had said, 'She is a native healer and she trained me as one. The king is like a son to her and she cannot bear to see him like this so she sent me instead.'

Wami regarded me as he digested this information. 'This is perfect!' he exclaimed.

'How?' I asked lost.

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