Chapter two

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Lea's POV

We ended up sleeping on those amazing beds in ikea.

I think I might get all these things and design my own room or 'space'.

I also asked them a whole heap of random questions. Yes I did go up to them and blurt out what's your favourite colour?

So to make it simple, there are four boys.

Kai Alejandro Rodriguez. Half Spanish. Cheeky one out of the group. Favourite colour is blue. Plays on the soccer team. Is a mamas boy.

Andrew James Knight. His name sounds like a royal. But he's Mr. manwhore. A rich boy who loves doing the bang bang. Favourite colour is red. Captain of the soccer team.

Leo Diaz. Bad boy. Hobby is skate boarding. Doesn't like people expect for the guys. Favourite colour is black. Typical really.

Then there's Dakota Woods. The smart one. He may be smart but he's not exactly a good boy. Well apparently that's why he works at the mall. His daddy owns the mall. Favourite colour is green. Why do I feel like it's a pun? Get it the woods are green? Ok. No. That was just pathetic.

So yeah that's them. Holy shit maybe they lied to me and are baddies who want to kill me. But they don't look like they could do it. Could they? Man I have trust issues.


"Whatcha doing?" Cody asks.

"Looking at bath bombs. Duh."

Yes I have an attitude.

"But why? What are you going to do with them?"

"Put them in the toilet."

Did I mention I'm sarcastic too?

"No like really it's not like there are many places to bathe here."

"Ya know, for being the smarty pants you aren't very creative."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"IKEA! I'm still figuring out were to get the water from but if you got a tub and a plug I think I can bathe very well."

How on earth am I supposed to live without cleaning myself. I don't want to be a stink bomb thank you very much.

"Ooooooooo that's a good. As for the water I have an idea. Follow me."

He leads me out of the shop grabbing my arm and goes into.... target?

He grabs a trolley and me being me I jump in.

"Come on smarty push away!" I pump my fist into the air as we start moving forward..

He just chuckles and gets the stuff we need. Which end up being :

• 5 kettles

• many many litres of water

• 5 gas stoves (the ones for camping)

Oh and I forgot I made him get animal onesies for all of us to wear.

Once we got back to ikea. Cody gladly gathered all the boys in front my new found bath tub.

"Ok so here's the plan. First of all DREW STOP SMIRKING!" I can't stand it. Some guy smirking at you when your trying to get a bathroom ready.

"What? I can't help it. I was just imagining you in there princess." he says with a wink.

I think my eye just twitched. Hopefully he gets the message.

"Anyway so guys, Leo I need you to help me move all the other crap around here so we can get this tub over the pipe or drain not really sure over there. Kai I need you and Cody to get bathroom supplies and a curtain cause as you can see this room is surrounded by glass doors. Oh and don't forget the thingy to hang the curtain on. As for you Drew, just do something useful."
I finish my long speech.

"Okey dokey. Come on Cody we got some shopping to do."

"What do you mean by 'useful'? Girl you don't have to be so rude." he says in one of those accent a bimbo would have.

"Help us then gosh!" This guy is getting on my nerves. Am I too harsh? Nah what on earth am I thinking.

After a few hours we had a bathroom up and running. As I suspected Drew didn't do much he helped move some things at first but as soon as I said something nice to him he just started to munch on some chips. Remind me to never praise this guy again.

At least I got my bathe.


What do you think. Oh and thanks to Jamee for the kettle idea. Love you.

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