Sufin: A Day to Remember

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Sweden hugs him tighter looking at him was his scary face and then smiled a little.

He was trembling a little. "S-Su-san... I... I can almost not breath..."

"Sorry I only did that cause I have not seen you for over a week, I missed you."

He blushed a bit. "R-really ?..." he smiled slightly.

"Ya" Sweden picks up Finland like he is most delicate thing in the world.

Finland blushed a bit more. He was still scared, but he decided to wrap his arms around Sweden's neck.

Sweden put him on the bed and said "Wait here."

He nodded and waited for Sweden to come. He was almost not scared anymore. 'In fact... Sweden is really kind...' he thougt to himself.

"I tried as hard as I could to make then sorry if they are not right."

He started eating a bit. "It's really good ! But... Why are you doing that for me ?..."

"Like I said I did not see your for a week" Sweden started to kiss him.

He blushed deeply as their lips connected. He pulled away. "W-w-what are you going ?!"

"I am kissing my wife is that wrong," Kissing his check.

"But I... I never said I wanted to be your wife..." He said nervously. Interiorly, he soo wanted to confess himself.

"Oh, that's fine," Sweden rounded over and tried to get some sleep he looked sad.

He noticed Sweden's sad face and felt guilty. "B-but, Su-san... I..." he didn't know what to say.

Sweden was pretending to sleep until Finland fell asleep.

He took a deep breath and hugged Sweden from behind.

Sweden is surprised that Finland is doing this he never does this?

He shyly kissed Sweden's cheek. " I love you..." he said, almost whispering.

Sweden Turned and hugged him so tightly.

He smiled slightly.

He held him tighter and kissed on the forehead.

He kissed him on the lips and caressed his neck.

Sweden loved the way Finland was acting cause it is alway Sweden that makes that first move.

He continued kissing him then pulled away and smiled.

Sweden then tacked Finland a held him so closer that they were one with each other.

He snuggled against Sweden. "Your body is so warm..."

"It is cause you are here with me, you make my heart beat so fast and loud."

He closed his eyes and smiled. "You're making mine beating so fast that it's about to explode..."

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