V helped Ebony recover and taught her how to fight. He taught her how to create weapons and she was able to adapt a special weapon that she called "the fan blade." (Yes it was used in Avatar, but I have a theory on how to make one.) She took a lace fan, but replaced the wooden part that gives it the shape with metal. At the top, there are blades like the ones on exacto knives, only, of course they're sharper.

As V sparked some of the first riots of the St. Mary's Crysis, Ebony was told to find the vaults where the confiscated art was held. She had found them, and reclaimed afew paintings first. Through the years, she had reclaimed many paintings and other works of art.

Ebony also sought revenge for her treatment at Larkhill. The first person that she found was the judge who presided over her trial.

*Death Scene*

*the judge is in his sitting room, watching crap telly. He turns if off to find a face in the refection*

Hello, my honourable judge.

*He screams and turns around to find a woman with an old antique mask around her eyes. She's in a black top hat and a black lace ckirt that comes just above her knees*

It's wonderful to see you too.

But-but I sent you to Larkhill... You should be dead!

I wish I could say that I'm sorry to dissapoint, but, I remember that my mother had said not to tell lies.

Why have you come? *He's now standing against a wall*

You seem surprised. I did tell you that I would use my voice and this is me keeping that promis. But also as you had said before 'We are not here to explain our actions to a little girl!' Although I shall not stoop to your level. You don't belive that people have the need for a voice, obviously.


You tried to take mine and you stole many others by shiping them to prisons. You also helped the police silence them by force. Therefore it is obvious that you don't care about our voices. I wonder... *she steps closer*

Stay back!!

I wonder how you would like it if I took your voice. *She grabs his shirt and throws him to his knees.*

Please! I was only doing my job!

Ah yes, because you were paid to put away innocent civilians who were, at the most part, unarmed! *she kneels to his level and pulls out her fan*

You're insane!

I am a product of my environment, just like you. *She forcefully tilts his head back and forces the closed fan down his throat. He screams as blood rushes out of his mouth. Ebony twists the fan in his throat, then pulls it out quickly.*

Farewell, my dear judge. *She opens the fan quickly and slices his neck. He falls dead.*


On the night that they met Evey, she was already waiting on top of the building to watch the show. The next day, she was at Jordan Tower with V and assisted him in rescuing Evey. Ebony assist V in torturing Evey, later on in the story. On the evening of the fith, V and Eboy were talking.

*The night of the fith*

*V and Ebony are sitting on the couch in the Shadow Gallery*

Ebony, my dear, I need to speak with you.


I'm not sure how to put this lightly-

Then don't put it lightly at all.

I'm going to die tonight.

*Ebony is quiet and stunned* I had a feeling... You had tried so hard to keep me in the dark about your plans with Creedy. But I know things, V. I suppose you know what you're doing.

I do. Ebony, I still need your help with something.


I need you to live on. Help Evey. Protect her, because I'm certain that she'll need it. And... Remember me. Not just our ideas and the life that we shared, but remember me.

I will, V.


During the final battle, V had told Ebony to stay with Evey. After she heard the last gun shot, she had ran to find V. When she did, she had realized that V was badly injured. She helped him back to the enterance of the tunnel where Evey was at and she had decided to leave. When V asked why she had said something along the lines of I know how you love her. I want you to die in her arms or something like that.

She went to the same rooftop that she, V and Evey were standing on the night they blew up the Bailey where she was met by Dominic. After Finch had left him, we went on his own search to find Ebony.

*On the Rooftop*

I knew I'd find you here. *Dominic is holding a gun up to Ebony's head*

I know. That's why I'm here. *Ebony's voice is breaking*

*After a moment of silence* He's dead isn't he?

*Ebony nods solmnly. Sominic lowers his gun and stands next to Ebony*

I'm sorry... He actually knew what the people needed.

This is Unity. *She says as she looks down at the crowd of people standing outside of Parliment*

All you wanted was to be heard...


*End of scene*

She convinces Dominic to become a Liborator and together they travel around Europe to spread the story of V and slowly, other contries begin to change into a Libritarian society.



Yeah like half of this I just made up as I went along, but I feel epic. Like, she's probably one of my favorites. PS I was watching V for Vendetta while I was writing this. Haha YAY!!!! I love this movie. SO MUCH!

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