Chapter 20, Raining Vampires

Start from the beginning

He didn't have time for a bikini cut. We all knew it wouldn't matter, anyway. If she survived, the vampire venom would heal any cuts we made. He sliced her abdomen starting at the top of her stomach. Blood flowed from the neat cut. I worked as quickly as I could to sponge up the blood. I was holding my breath. I wasn't as good at this as Carlisle and Edward were.

The placenta was exposed and Carlisle was administering the venom. I heard the change in the heartbeat. It was slower like it was working to pump thicker blood. Edward was ripping through the placenta and had pulled the squirming baby out. "Esme please take the girl." She rushed up the stairs to get the baby.

"Austin, we need you in here." Edward said quietly. Austin moved into the room. We looked warily at him to see if the flowing blood was going to be a problem. He seemed in control. "You need to bite Sarah in as many places as you can and seal the bites with your tongue." Carefully, slowly Austin moved over her legs and arms. The tearing flesh sounded eerily in the quiet room. I noticed he paused every once in a while, as if he was regaining control of his desire to suck the blood. Any more blood loss wouldn't be good for her.

We all knew that Edward could have performed this function better than Austin. He was giving Austin the opportunity to be Sarah's creator. He had remembered how much it meant to me, as a human, to have my husband's venom flowing in my veins and not someone else's. This was Edward's gift to Sarah.

The last bite was on Sarah's shoulder. Austin stood up, looking strained, and whispered, "Will she survive?"

Carlisle put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We've done all we can. Her heart sounds strong. I think she'll be fine."

Edward was quietly taping the incision while they talked. The venom was going to heal it, but Sarah looked better without an open wound down her middle.

We took off our masks. I took in a deep breath. The blood would need to be cleaned up.

I ran downstairs to get the bleach.

Austin followed me to take a look at his daughter. I stopped to admire the infant in Esme's arms. She was beautiful. She had the strange gray eyes of her mother and her father's dark hair. Esme was feeding her from the same metal cup she'd used for Nessie. I could smell the grizzly blood.

Nessie and Seth were sitting on the floor. It looked like they were playing a game of UNO. Emmett was watching a game on the big screen TV.

"Emmett?" He turned to look at me. "You might think about bagging another grizzly."

"Awww man." Emmett groaned. "I just cleaned up Alice's SUV."

I never thought I'd hear Emmett complain about being asked to hunt. I stifled a giggle. "How far will you need to go?"

Emmett shrugged. "We made it past the Idaho border last time. I don't know if I can keep a bear alive much further than that. I'd probably have better luck in Canada. If I was just hunting, that's where I'd go, but I need to bring the bear back. Canada doesn't take kindly to having its grizzlies poached." He smirked. "They don't generally check cars when you're driving around the U.S. The blood is just for the baby, how much will she need?"

Esme answered. "If it was human blood, we have enough on hand. I don't know if the grizzly blood will fill her up the same."

Emmett nodded. We were in unknown territory here, and we all knew it.

Leah's babies weren't even eating blood. We certainly couldn't compare this infant to hers.

"Well, an extra bear should do for a few days, anyway." Emmett looked unconcerned.

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