"Hi!" I started off, and they turned towards me with a smile, "You must be the James. I'm Riley, my dad told me you'd be coming today," I said it all with a smile, hoping I didn't make it awkward by being too cheery.
"Hi, darling. I'm Amy James, and this is my husband, Richard. Your dad's friend," she pointed out.
"Yeah, my dad told me you guys are friends," I smiled at Mr James.
"Yup, we've been pals for years, now. He's told me a lot about you, only wonderful things, of course."
I chuckled, "I'm glad you guys are staying with us." -not really- "I was told you have a son?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Yes, he's gone out to grab some snacks. He'll be back soon. I'll call you over when he's here," Mrs James answered politely.
"Sure thing, Mrs James."
"Oh, my. You make me feel old," I chuckled, "Just call me Amy, and him Richard. Trust me, we're not that old," she joked.

"I'll get going to my room, then. See you guys," I smiled and left the kitchen. Whoo. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. They actually seemed like nice people, and funny, too.
Their son must also be as nice as them.

When I got to my room, my phone started ringing. "Hey dad," I spoke into the phone.
"Are you home?" he asked. "Yep, and before you ask, yes I met them. They seem cool."
I could imagine him nodding in satisfaction. "What about their son?" he asked me. "I don't know, I haven't met him yet. He's out."
"Talk to him when he comes, okay? You two have to live together for the next 6 months, so try to make it less awkward."
"Okay, dad. Come home soon, I'll make dinner," I said.
"Ooh what's for dinner?"
"I don't know. How does Mac and cheese sound?" I asked.
"Sounds good to me," he replied.
"Okay, then. See you in," I looked at the clock, "two hours."

We hung up and I changed into comfortable clothes.
A bunny onesie, hehe.

I made my way to the kitchen to get started on my Mac and cheese, when I heard the door open and click when it closed.

I froze in my spot, waiting for whoever it was, to pass by the kitchen. A boy -around my age- comes into the kitchen, whom I'm guessing is the James' son, who is also extremely attractive. He was holding a plastic bag, which probably had the snacks inside. We made eye contact, him with a confused expression on his face. "Hi, you must be the James' son. I'm Riley," I said and held out my hand for him to shake. He looked at my hand warily, then looked at me, and then at my outfit. I slightly furrowed my eyebrows at this.
"Hey," he started to say, looking back up at me. I awkwardly started to put my hand down, but before I could do that, he shook my hand with a stiff nod.
"I'm Ryan."

How does he not smile? I was smiling the entire time I introduced myself. "Do you want some Mac and cheese? I'm making dinner," I asked him politely. "Yeah," he answered.

"Not much of a talker, I see," I muttered to myself, not meaning for him to hear.
"I heard that," he said in a bored tone. "Oh, uh, that wasn't meant for you to hear.." I muttered quietly.

"Well, I heard it anyways. And you're right, I'm not much of a talker, but only to you. You're weird. I mean, you were smiling the entire time you were introducing yourself to me. Too cheery, in my opinion."

I stared at him, amazed. "I was only trying to be nice!" I defended myself.
"By being creepy?" he raised his brows.
I breathed a chuckle, "Okay, maybe I was a little too cheery for your taste. Or even mine," I said the last part myself, but I knew he heard.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Riley," he said, again not smiling. He turned around to leave, but not before looking over at my outfit weirdly, and said, "Nice onesie". After that, he left to go to his room. Oh, so picked the room that's right in front of mine. So, I'm guessing Mr and Mrs James is in the room that's beside my dad's.
Basically, the parents and we are in different parts of the house. My dad and Mr and Mrs James is in the more outer part of the house, and Ryan and I are in the more inner part of the house. There's a lot of distance between our rooms and our parents' rooms.

"So I see you've met Ryan," Amy said to me with a smile, snapping me out of my thoughts as I prepared the ingredients for the Mac and cheese. "Yeah, he seems nice," I answered not-so-truthfully. "Would you like Mac and cheese for dinner? I'm making it," I asked politely.
"Sure, we'd like that."

She headed back into her room and I continued making dinner. I still felt awkward about Ryan, I mean, I don't know. Truthfully, he seemed like a bad boy. I know, I know. I shouldn't be interpreting things before getting to know him. But I can't control what my mind think, it's not easy. Not for me, at least.

He looked like the type of boy who would like to annoy me just for his entertainment. But hey, maybe I'm wrong.

I blocked out my thoughts and concentrated on making dinner as I listened to music.

Dad will be home soon, and I needed to finish dinner by then.

Living With Stranger BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora