Chapter 51

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~Sky's POV~

Me and Neil were getting ready for bed now. I feel tired after our shower. Even though the water was running, i'm afraid the boys might have heard us.

Oh well, I'd find out tomorrow. It was currently 8:30 here. Yeah, it's still really early. But like I said. I was pretty tired from that shower. And I bet Neil is too.

He came and lied down next to me on my bed. "You know the boys will get mad we're sharing a bed" I said.

"We have for the past year. Don't worry" he said. Neil has really changed since we started dating. He isn't the same wimp he used to be. Now, he'd fight anyone that messes with me or someone he cares for. And he stands up for himself.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. My eyes fell heavy, and I fell asleep.

-next morning-

My eyes fluttered open. I felt a pair of arms tightly around my waist. It was Neil. I tried to free myself from his grip.

I finally managed to break away and then got up to go to the bathroom. I did all the essentials then got dressed.

I put on my underwear and then put on some dark blue skinny jeans and a cream coloured cashmere sweater. Then put on my black converse high tops. It was getting a bit more chilly since it was fall now.

But it's warm enough to not wear a jacket. But to cold to go out in shorts and a tank top. I put on some mascara and lipgloss.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I looked at the wall clock and saw it was 7:05. I'm probably the only one up.

I made a a bowl of cereal and then went in the living room. I turned on the TV to watch some cartoons. Looney Tunes Show! I love bugs bunny!

I know how childish I seem. But I love acting like a child. Although some of the things I do are not childish.

I sat there eating my cereal and watching different TV shows. After I finished my cereal I went into the kitchen and washed my dish.

I went back to the living room and put in Black Ops 2.

I'm so bored right now.

I heard footsteps coming down. It was Liam.

You now how when you live with people for a while, you can tell who it is just by the sound of their footsteps? It's freaky, but I can do that.

"Morning Liam" I said. My eyes were still glued to the screen.

"Morning Sky!" He said taking a seat next to me. "Today we are all spending the day together. We really missed you and we're so glad your memory came back"

"I'm glad too. There are some bits and parts that are still fuzzy. But I remember a majority of the most recent things" I said.

"Well it's better than nothing" he said. "So what was it like living on your own?"

"It actually wasn't that hard. Being famous and stuff really pays off" I said. "What was it like without me here? I probably missed a lot."

"It was terrible actually. After you left Louis wouldn't really talk to anyone unless needed and Zayn was so depressed. You really had an impact on our lives." He said.

"I'm sorry I caused so much trouble with those two" I said.

"Yeah but in a way. I think you brought our family closer together." He said. "So we're taking you out and going to a bunch of places today not only to welcome you back. But to thank you"

I paused the game and hugged him. "I love you Uncle Liam"

"I love you too snowflake" he said and kissed the top of my head. Just like what my real uncle called me.

We released the hug and he went into the kitchen. I looked at the time and saw that it was 9:36. Wow, i've been playing for a while.

I turned off the game system and went into the back yard. Trampoline time!

I went on it and started doing flips an such. This was really fun. I landed on my back and closed my eyes. This was relaxing.

I felt someone kiss my lips and opened my eyes to see Neil smiling at me. "Morning" I said.

"Morning to you too" he said. "Your lip still sore?"

"Yeah hurts like a bitch. But I can take the pain" I said shrugging. We started hopping up and down on the trampoline.

"The boys wants to spend the day with me so you are coming" I said.

"Okie dokie!" He said doing a flip. But failed miserably and landed face down. I started to laugh my ass off. "Hey. This shits harder than you make it seem"

"That's cause I have been in gymnastics for years" I said. I miss gymnastic classes.

"Sky phone!" Liam yelled.

"Okay!" I answered. "Brb"

I went in the house and got the phone from Liam.


"Yes. This I a call from the courthouse. It's referring to the restraining order against a Nathan Grant."

"Oh yes! Did it get through?"

"Yes. Both of you must appear in the court room next week monday." The man said. "The information will be mailed to you."

"Alright. No problem." I said. But there is a problem. How do I get Nate to go to the court house?

I'll think of something. I put the phone back onto the table and was about to go outside. "What was that for?" Liam asked eating his bacon.

"It was the courthouse. It's about my restraining order against Nate" I said.

"Wow. You went as far as that?"

"Yeah. That fu-" I stopped when I saw Liam glare at me. "Fudging. I was going to say Fudging psycopath hid my past from me. I don't want him near me in the future"

"Well that's understandable" he said. "Oh, be ready by 1. That's when we're leaving"

"I'll just wear this and then touch up my makeup and hair a bit" I said. I then went back outside onto the trampoline.


Sad to say, this story is almost at its end. Not really sure how exactly many more chapters are left though.

Thanks for reading.





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