Chapter 1-The garbage will have to do

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It had been (insert number of years that would have made you 10 at the time of the incident here) years since the incident that resulted in the death of your mother and younger brother.

Since then, you and your older brother had been aimlessly wandering your home planet of Jakku.

Well, maybe 'aimlessly' wasn't the word for you.

Ever since your no-good father informed you of your force sensitivity, you had made it your goal to train yourself in the force, so that when you see your father again you can beat him.

Did you really want to kill your father?

At first, you just wanted to talk to him, yell at him, beg him to tell you why he did those horrible things to your family.

Over time, however, you developed a hatred for the man, and now if you were faced with him again, you would probably kill him on the spot.

Your brother didn't know where you would wander off to sporadically throughout the day, but you were pretty sure that he had suspicions about your force sensitivity.

Currently, the two of you were making your way to the central point of Jakku, where you would trade for food.

Upon your arrival to town, you noticed a fellow scavenger beating off some hooded figures, who appeared to be after a droid.

Your brother ran to help her, only to collide with a taller figure, a male roughly his age.

Both boys look at each other then back at the girl, who had successfully beaten the shit out of the thieves.

"Nice job!" You shouted, walking towards her.

"Thank you!" She replied. The droid then said something to her, something that sounded like it had to do with the other man (Finn). Your droid fluency was a bit rusty.

"Him?" She said, "Are you sure?" She asked. The droid answered affirmatively.

All of the sudden, the girl charged at the man, which threw him off guard.

"Hey! What the hell?" He exclaimed.

"He said that you stole that jacket from his master, thief" she replied.

"Oh. . . Your master was Poe, right? Poe Dameron? Yeah. . . Our ship crash landed a few miles out. Poe didn't make it" he said.

"That would explain the wreckage we saw on the way up here" you whispered to your brother.

"Yeah" he answered.

"Are you with the resistance?" The girl asked.

The man looked confused for a moment before answering "Oh yeah! I'm definitely with the resistance"

You had your doubts about that.

Suddenly, three TIE fighters appeared out of the sky, heading straight for town.

"Um, I'd hate to interrupt, but we've got company" you said.

You all began to run the other direction in attempt to outrun the attackers.

"We need to get out of here, we can use that ship!" The man yelled.

"That ship hasn't flown in years!" You answered.

"Yes, that ship is garbage!" The girl backed up your answer.

Suddenly, the ship you were running for was blown up.

"I suppose the garbage will have to do" the girl said.

And with that, you made your way to the Millennium Falcon.

A/N: Sorry about this chapter, it's kind of boring, but necessary to the plot.

Also, either the next chapter or the one following will be in Kylo's point if view. Thanks for reading!

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