"It's been...I just don't know. She took Lisa with her."

"I'm so sorry, honey. I'm so sorry."

"You didn't do anything to be sorry for. It wasn't workin' with Cilla. It wasn't when  she came out there to terrorize everyone." His voice grew louder with every word. Elvis forced deep breaths through his nose, trying in vain to calm himself. "And whatever she said to you that day Clayton called her a bitch-"

"Oh that wasn't...I don't think about that anymore and I'm sure that little boy don't either. You shouldn't have to worry about any of that."

"I was just...I'm embarrassed, Loretta. For what she treated you and now I'm talkin' to you about her."

"Do you remember the time Doo came runnin' into my trailer and how he acted that day? You saw that and I was embarrassed too. You said that it made us even cause I saw your wife at her worst too."

"Just feels worse when it's your wife. And you didn't talk to me about your husband."

"I might someday. I know I'm not real close right now but if there is something you need."

"I need my little girl back here in Memphis," Elvis burst out. He expelled a sigh. "Sorry. It's been hard."

"Maybe you'll work it out."'

Elvis let out a snort. "No, we won't. It wouldn't work no more than it did before. That's over and done."

"There was times when I thought that about Doo and myself but then we always kinda worked it out."

They didn't work out a thing. Not from what Elvis had seen. He wouldn't be surprised if Doolittle resorted to physical violence and even if he didn't, there were enough spiteful things he had done for no reason but to upset his wife.

Elvis didn't know how to respond. "That's cause you love him."

The words came without him properly considering them.

"I do," Loretta said. There was no hesitant, not even a hint of it. Elvis didn't understand how she could but what he did understand was that the love this woman had for her husband was deeper than whatever he felt for Priscilla.

As young as she had been, Loretta was the one who had made the choice to marry Doolittle Lynn. Elvis never married Priscilla for love, but to protect his career and good name and make sure his child carried his name.

Loretta didn't try to fill the silence but instead waited for Elvis to once again gain the power of speech.

"I don't," Elvis finally said. "I don't love her and clearly she doesn't love me cause she's goin' with the karate instructor I paid for...oh, don't even let me get started on all that. Like I said, it's over and done."

"I won't love you no less cause of it. If you wanna talk about it-"

"No," Elvis cut in. "I don't."

"Do you wanna talk about somethin' else?"

"What are your kids doin'?"

"Oh boy. Well, I talked to my Betty earlier and she's got the flu which is awful when you got two little kids runnin' around. And you...did I tell you Jack Benny's here again?"

Elvis paused, trying to think of all the things she had told him in the last few months. "Yeah, you did."

"Ernest broke himself another car and then got himself another one from Nashville. Off of my money."

Elvis managed a small laugh. "Cissie and the twins?"

"Cissie's doin' good. The twins decided that it was fun to trade places at school."

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