A loud set of knocks on my door stopped Lauren and I. She sat up on my lap and looked straight at the door, slightly cringing to think about what was behind there.

She looked back down at me to talk to me with her eyes 'Say something, idiot!'

"What?" I coughed out.

"Y/N!" Ally exclaimed through the door. "Have you seen Lauren? We have a Skype check up meeting with LA Reid and she hasn't come home from this morning."

Lauren leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Tell her I'm in the library."

"I think she said something about getting a head start towards the library, Ally." I lied, placing my hands on the peaks of Lauren's ass.

Lauren rolled her eyes at me as we waited for a reply. "Oh, okay! Thank you. See you later." Ally said, walking away from the door.

Lauren leaned in to peck my lips before rolling off onto her feet to stand up and grab a pair of shorts I had laying at the end of my bed. "Duty calls."

"Are you coming back?" I asked curiously, hoping the answer would be yes.

Lauren looked down at the floor and frowned, "I'll see you around." She shortly replied, hurrying out the door as fast as she could.

I turned over in complete frustration and yelled into my pillow, hoping to get some of these conflicting feelings out of my head that she's put in.


I woke up and pulled myself together to get into the required uniform for another horrible day of school.

I skipped down the stairs to see Ms. Jauregui waiting at the end of them with a mug full of coffee. "Morning sunshine." She smiled before sipping on the mug.

I rolled my eyes at her and continued on my way towards the dining room where Joan had sat my plate of eggs and bacon. Weirdly enough, none of the girls were eating breakfast like usual.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, taking my normal seat as Joan served me a glass of orange juice.

"Ally feels a little under the weather and she's usually the one waking the others up. So, I've decided to let them sleep in." Joan smiled down at me. "Now hurry and eat. You've got school in thirty minutes."

"Or she could play hookie." Lauren smirked, slowly walking into the dining room.

Joan sent her a dirty glare and clenched her jaw, "She's going to school and that's final."

8:09 AM

I did go to school and luckily I had Dad's car. So, I wasn't stuck having to ride that horrible bus again.

After getting dropped off by Daddy's driver, I noticed a familiar face waiting at the drop off line. Cara. I did my best to walk by her, but somehow she found a way to step in front of me and stop me before I could get too far.

"Hey Y/N." She smiled, pushing her hair back behind her ear.

"Um, hi." I replied nervously, looking around to check and make sure Donny was no where to be seen. I didn't need anymore pain than I already had and I know Donny would kill me for even looking at her girlfriend.

Cara grabbed my arm and looked at me, "You wanna go somewhere private to talk? You act like you're a little nervous."

I pulled away from her, feeling a little uncomfortable with her touch, and shook my head. "I just don't want Donny to get mad."

Cara sent me this half smile, "Donny and I aren't together anymore. She won't come around you as long as I'm here. Okay?" She grabbed my arm once more and started pulling me towards the school building. "Now, c'mon. We have twenty minutes until first period."


Cara pulled me up multiple flights of stairs inside of the building. In fact, I was deeply unaware that there were stairs that went up this high in this old school.

Finally, we exited out of the heavy door to enter into a green house filled with tons of flowers everywhere. Cara went further to exit out of the greenhouse while I looked over every bloomed rose and tulip.

My fingertips softly grazed over the brittle petals of a rose when Cara hollered at me, "Y/N! Come on. We haven't even got to the best part."

I made my way to exit out of the greenhouse to see the world come together. In fact, we were on the highest ledge of the school that we could get, able to see the whole city from here.

"Isn't it great? Just a whole world that you can't see unless you're high enough." She smiled, "Which reminds me." Cara pulled out a pack of cigs and opened it up to reveal three joints. "You wanna share a spliff with me?"

"What's that?"

"You'll see." She responded, setting the joint on the edge of her lips while she dug in the pocket of her skirt to find a lighter. After lighting and inhaling the joint, she held it out to me. "Go ahead. Take it. It's not gonna hurt you."

I nodded and felt the need to impress her. Not because she was of higher authority, but because I wanted her to like me and even be my friend. I've never really had any friends, and this is the first time that someone has paid attention to me. Well, without being paid.

I took in the contents and almost coughed to death, causing Cara to giggle at me. "I see you've never smoked before."

I coughed a little more, trying to regain my normal breathing patterns and shook my head. "Nope, but it was something on my bucket list."

Car inhaled another deep hit and handed the joint back to me. I did what I could to keep the smoke in my lungs before letting it out and clawing for air. My lungs were not made for this type of lifestyle. After a few more hits, Cara and I decided to go downstairs to grab our books for first hour.

As we were stepping down the first flight of stairs, I started feeling weird. "Cara!" I said to the girl, holding my
hand as she directed me downstairs. She turned to look at me and smiled up at me. "Was there more than just tobacco in there?"

Cara giggled a little, and stepped onto the step I was on. "That's why they call it a spliff. Half tobacco, half weed."

My brain started to feel a little hazey and I wasn't completely sure what I was doing. Every single bit of common sense flew out the window when I pulled in Cara by her waist. Our faces were inches apart, and Cara's eyes show down at my lips. I wanted to kiss her and it was obvious she wanted to kiss me. That's when her lips met mine. For a moment, I was all about it. I kept moving my lips against her until I realized who she was again.

I pulled away quickly and shook my head, "Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"-Shh. It's fine, love." She smiled, caressing my cheek with her thumb as a way to coax me. "You're just a new stoner. You'll make a few mistakes."

"New stoner? You plan on making this a regular thing?"

"You have no idea."

We hurried out of the staircase to finally make it to the second level where our lockers were located. When we stepped into the familiar hallway, the bell rang, making kids scramble to get to their classes.

I made my way through the wave of peers and noticed that someone was standing in front of my locker.

I got closer and noticed it was Donny. Her arms were crossed and she looked mad. Probably the worst I've seen in the three years that I've known of her. "Hey, Y/N." She said in a low, demeaning voice. "Running late?"

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